The Talk* - Chapter 8

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Amelia's POV 9:07 PM

You walked out of surgery with one thing on your mind, y/n. The surgery was a success which made you happy but you had gotten to the point where you wanted to talk to y/n so bad it didn't really have an affect, but instead you ran into Derek.

"Hey! Great job in there!" Derek congratulated blocking your way towards the elevator. "Hi, Thanks." You said blankly trying to get past him.

He looked at you puzzled thinking that you were unhappy he wanted to cheer you up.

"You don't seem happy, even though you should be ecstatic! I mean that surgery was ground breaking." He said as you continued to try to get around him.

"DEREK, MOVE!" You shouted surprising him. He quickly turned and walked away without saying another word.

You hurriedly strolled down the hospital's corridors taking multiple trips on the elevators and through the stairwell's but you had no luck in finding y/n.

After you had checked everywhere you remembered that Bailey had mentioned that she would work in the ER when she didn't have surgeries to do, and of course it was the one place you didn't check.

You sprinted towards the stairwell because it was closest to you. You bolted past people and hopped over some steps until you got to the bottom.

You flung the door open and ran in the direction of the ER. You continued running until you bumped into Jo Wilson.

She yelped when you both collided dropping all the charts and paper work she was holding. "I'm so sorry." You said helping her get up off the ground.

"It's ok, I should've watched where I was going." She told you. "No it's my fault I shouldn't have been running in a hospital on a day like this." You laughed.

"Oh! Here, let me help you pick up all this." You said before quickly starting to help her. "Thanks, she said as you gave her everything back.

"How did the big surgery go?" She asked emphasizing the word big. "Sorry, Stephanie, or Dr. Edwards couldn't stop talking about it. She's a big fan of your's." She said. "Uh, it went fine the patient is going to be fine." You said smiling happy to hear a resident favors you over Derek.

You departed with Dr Wilson so you could get to your original destination.

You swung the ER door open and found y/n chatting with Owen about something. You looked around and saw the ER strangely empty except for a few stray people getting treated in beds.

You walked over to y/n and Owen. "Hey Owen, do you mind if I borrow y/n?" You asked interrupting their conversation. " not at all." He answered before turning to y/n. "Come to my office later and we'll finish this conversation later." He told y/n before you grabbed her hand and led her to the nearest on-call rooms.

Y/n's POV 10:23 PM

Amelia forced you into the on-call room before closing and locking the door behind her.

"Alright, you said you wanted to talk so let's talk." She said trying to mask the nervousness in her voice.

You took a deep breath before starting, "you kissed me, In the parking lot last night and..." You trailed off. "You kissed back." She finished for you.

"Did you like it?" Amelia asked stepping closer to you. You never noticed how much tall then you until now. "Yea, I did." You whispered your heart beat speeding up.

"Can I kiss you again?" She asked getting a little closer. "Yes, I think I'd like that." You whispered quietly as you stared at her lips before she closed the gap in between you both.

The kiss was passionate and slow before it started to become more and more heated.

You both eventually broke the kiss to get some air before she pushed you up against the wall of the on-call room.

She rammed her lips into your's, kissing you roughly. you pulled off her lab coat and threw it somewhere before she did the same to you.

Amelia quickly broke the kiss to remove her shirt and pants leaving her in nothing except for her underwear.

You just stood there admiring Amelia's amazing body. "You know, I'm in almost nothing and your fully clothed." She observed.

You were nervous because you hadn't been naked in front of someone since you lost your virginity.

You were extremely self conscious about your body but you wanted this so bad you followed through anyway.

Slowly you took off your pants throwing them in one direction before taking off your shirt and throwing it in another direction.

After looking at your body Amelia's face dropped seeing all the scars you had collected over the years. "Y/n..." She trailed off, "what happened to you?" she asked looking at you.

"It doesn't matter." You said starting to tear up. You crossed your arms over your stomach trying to hide everything.

"I don't want to do this anymore." You said before walking to grab your clothes. "Okay." Amelia said before grabbing her shirt and putting it on.

"Will you go out with me sometime?" She asked trying to lighten the mood as she put her pants on.

You thought about for a moment wondering if you ever wanted to look at her again after this. "Yea, next week meet me at Joe's." You answered while tying your shoes.

"It's a date then!" She said enthusiastically before walking over and giving you a peck on the lips and walking to the door.

She opened it before stopping. "Go home. Go home and get some sleep." She told you before walking out.

You decided to take her advice by going home taking a shower and getting into bed.

You laid down turned your phone on and saw you had a text from someone.

You tapped the screen and saw that it was your mother the text read, "honey, when are you coming back home? I'm sorry about what happened and it won't happen again. Just please come home your all I have left."

You decided to text her back saying, "I'm not coming home. I have lots of new friends and I have someone who loves me for who I am. I also have a good job where I get to work with my friends. Also please never talk to me again. Goodbye." You sent before powering off your phone and drifting off.

Hi lovelies, I'm super proud of this chapter because I've been planning it for awhile. If you liked this chapter please hit the vote button.
Love, Chrissy XOXO
Word count:1127

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