Needing Advice - Chapter 4

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A/n: Hi friends! This chapter is mostly just me testing my creative abilities so if it's bad I'm sorry but anyways enjoy.

Y/n's POV 4:26 PM

You groaned as you flopped down onto the couch in the lounge. "What happened to you?" Callie said while sitting down in the chair across from you. "I have been in surgery for the last five hours fixing a spinal injury and a subdural hematoma" you said putting your hands over your eyes and letting them slide down your cheeks.

"Well, I was actually talking about the bags under your eyes. So I can guess that you probably haven't slept in awhile. I just can't figure out why." Callie said putting her coffee down on the table. "Is it really that visible?" You asked turning onto your side a little so you could see her better.

"Yes it is" Arizona confirmed getting up from her seat at the table and sitting down in the chair next to Callie "God, to be fully honest, I haven't slept since you guys locked me and Amelia in that bedroom a week ago." You said starting to sit up as both of them started to look even more concerned.

"Why not? Did something happen?" Arizona asked the concern growing in her eyes every second. "Ok, I think that I'm in love with Amelia. But I'm not sure because I have never been one for romance." You said your cheeks starting to heat up.

"Okay well what makes you think you love her?" Callie asked as she started sounding a lot like a doctor from a stereotypical hospital rom com. "Well, whenever she's around, I get this fluttering feeling in my gut, I blush, and I can't stop thinking about her, like ever." You said blushing so much you were almost a tomato.

"You are definitely in love with her." Callie said starting to smile. You then shot up from your seat and began pacing "What do I do? I've never been in love before. I dated one guy in the eighth grade because I took pity on him and he's the only person I have ever kissed!" You said before groaning and face planting onto the couch.

"It's okay. Look if you just talk one of two things will happen either she will reject you and you'll lose feelings and you'll be friends. Or she will like you back and you'll get together and live happily ever after." Arizona said trying to calm you down.

"well how do I ask her out? Do I get her a gift or something?" You asked starting to freak out even more. "I don't even know what she likes!" you exclaimed. "Well you could talk to Derek about what she likes considering that he's her brother." Callie suggested, "yeah I could but he's my boss plus a protective older brother." You said.

"Well then talk to Meredith since you two know each other so well." Arizona said and you thought about it for a second. "Okay I will do that I am going to talk to Meredith today after work" you said finally starting to calm down before your pager started beeping. "Thank you both so much I am forever in your debt thank you." You said excitedly before running out the door.

Y/n's POV 9:41 PM

You took a deep breath before turning off your car and walking up to Meredith's front door. You knocked frantically eager to get her advice. The door opened abruptly "y/n! What are you doing here?" Meredith said confused as you never made any plans.

"I am super sorry to drop in unexpectedly I just need to talk to you." You said smiling nervously. She stepped aside letting you in, "take a seat on the couch and l will go get Derek." Meredith said. "NO!" You shouted making Meredith jump, "Why not?" Meredith asked extremely confused at your yelling.

"Because I need advice from you on something that doesn't concern him." You said sitting down onto the couch in the middle of the living room. "Okay, do you want anything to drink?" She asked walking closer into the room. "Uhm, l'm good thanks." You replied.

She sat down on the other side of the couch where she could see you clearly. "So what do you advice on?" She asked "well uh, I need help on how to ask a girl out and since you know her so well I have a few questions." You said trying super hard not to blush.

"Of course! Who's the girl?" Mer asked practically jumping out of her seat when you confessed to her. "Amelia. which is why I didn't want Derek here." You said starting to shake like a blender.

"Ohhh that makes so much sense now." She said before explaining "No wonder, I mean it's very obvious considering you look at her with big googly eyes ever since we locked you both in the room a few weeks ago."

You put your head in your hands for a few minutes "it's that obvious?" You asked worrying if she knows "yes but Amelia is clueless. She won't know unless you tell her which is why you're here." Mer said before asking "what do you need to know about her?"

You thought for a moment "what's her sexuality?" You asked "if I remember correctly, she's bisexual." She said before you let out the biggest sigh of relief "thank God because I don't know what I would do if she was straight." You said laughing before continuing,

"Uhm, is Amelia dating anyone at the moment?" You asked hoping she wasn't, "if she was I would have already told you that when you told me you liked her." She said making you feel stupid about asking. "Well I don't have any more questions at the moment." You said starting to get ready to leave.

"Actually I have one more question, what's her favorite type of flower?" You asked Mer thought for a moment "she really likes sunflowers but she can't keep a plant alive for the life of her." She said laughing at the end statement, "thank you for your help you are one of the greatest friends I have ever had. I don't know how I can ever repay you." You said getting up and giving her a big hug.

"Of course, normally I would say you don't have to repay me but I want to be kept updated on everything, okay?" Meredith said, "okay but just don't tell Derek I will tell him if something happens." You said knowing that she likes to talk

"and if you want anyone to talk to you can talk to Arizona and Callie because I already told them earlier today and they said to talk to you." You said before saying goodbye and getting in your car, turning it on, putting on your playlist. You looked for a song before settling on Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift.

During the car ride to your apartment you decided that you were going to ask Amelia out tomorrow. When you got home you kicked off your shoes, hung your jacket on it's rack, and put your purse down before going straight into your bedroom and flopping down onto the bed you plugged in your phone, and put it on your nightstand before slowly drifting off while thinking about Amelia.

A/n: Hi I hope you like this chapter it's definitely not the best but I put a lot of effort into it but I am trying my best to get chapters out regularly. Also this is the first time I have ever written anything public so bare with me here. Thanks for reading love you all xoxo❤️❤️❤️word count:1304

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