Is This A Dream? - Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV 11:37 PM

You just stood in the middle of the parking lot as your mind ran as fast as it could, not planning to stop or slow anytime soon.

"Y/n? You okay?" Callie asked from behind you. You slowly turned around to look at her but instead of just one person you saw five.

"She kissed me." You whispered to yourself. "What did you say?" Owen asked leaning towards you a little. "She kissed me." You said so they could hear.

Derek and Owen looked at you puzzled. Meredith, Callie, and Arizona all exchanged quick glances knowing who this 'she' was. "Amelia. Amelia kissed me." You said in a soft voice.

"Amelia, as in my sister Amelia?" Derek asked clueless as to what's happening. "Yes Derek, y/n's had a crush on Amelia since we locked them in our room." Mer told Derek angrily.

You looked over to Arizona, "I think I'll take you up on those drinks if the offer still stands." You said, "Of course your always welcome come chill out with us but now you have to give us the scoop on what happened with Amelia." Arizona demand. "Let's just go people." Callie said as she ushered people towards their cars.

Amelias POV 11:49 PM

Your mind raced as you drove home. You couldn't believe it. You kissed her! You couldn't even begin to try to understand what was going through your mind that caused you to kiss y/n.

You walked through the door of your apartment, threw your stuff down, and walked into your bedroom.

Tiredly, you flopped onto your bed, pulled out your phone before it started ringing.

It was y/n.

You jolted up In bed, you didn't know if you should answer it. You just sat there at the top of your bed and watched as your phone rang as it lay at the bottom of the bed.

You couldn't bare to talk to her after everything. Once the call declined you sighed feeling relieved.

You crawled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. You splashed some water into your face and stared into the mirror.

"What the hell was I thinking!?" You yelled at yourself in your mind. "She's way out of my league. Plus she probably hates me cause of how mean I was." You continued in your brain.

You walked back into your room. Grabbed your phone and put it on the charger before crawling under the covers.

Your mind drifted to the thought of Y/n as you began to doze off.

Y/n's POV 12:33 AM

You turned off your car before stepping out. You knocked on Callie and Arizona's front door. in a matter of seconds,the door flung open to reveal an overly eager Arizona.

"There's our special guest! Guy's she's here!" Arizona exclaimed while turning and walking away.

You walked inside and set your things down before walking into the living room where everyone sat on the couch drinking there alcohol of choice.

When you stepped into the room everyone's gaze turned to you. "Y/n!
Come, sit!" Callie exclaimed patting the seat in-between her and Derek who had his arm around Meredith.

Your anxiety rose as all eyes were on you. You took your place next to Callie who then spoke up. "So what happened with Amelia?" She asked.

You weren't to sure if what had happened was real. "Well..." You started thinking about what to say, "well, I was in the lounge getting my stuff together when Amelia came out of the bathroom. She quickly left and I had decided to tell her everything. So I ran after her and when we were in the parking lot I started rambling about how I felt before she kissed me." You paused thinking about what happened after that.

"I guess she really didn't know what she did because after she realized she freaked out and ran." You finished. Everyone just sat there and stared at you.

Then Owen perked up in his seat next to Meredith. "You should ask her out!" He exclaimed. "Yea! I mean it's clear she likes you back." Arizona agreed from her seat beside Callie who just smiled and put her hand on your shoulder.

You looked over to Derek who looked down while he thought about it. "Derek, what do you think?" Mer asked forcing his head up. "Derek? Do I have your blessing?" You asked.

He turned to face you. He looked slightly angry, it made your anxiety rise so fast you could have fainted. Then he smiled, "yes. You have my blessing." He said before Callie made a loud whoop sound.

"Don't celebrate yet she hasn't even asked Amelia yet." Arizona sternly told Callie. You sighed, "I need a drink, this whole thing feels like a dream." You said looking to Meredith who then poured you a drink of tequila. "This is still your favorite, correct?" She asked, "yes it is." You confirmed taking the drink from her and taking a drink.

A/N: hey lovelies thanks for reading this chapter. sorry it took me awhile to update, I had horrible writers block that took me awhile to get past. If you liked this chapter please hit the vote button, thank you all so much for everything!
Love Chrissy XOXO
Word count:897

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