Too Much Insanity For One Day - Chapter 5 Part 2

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AN: I realized after writing this that Arizona and Callie had already broken up. So I've just decided to make it that they didn't break up just to let everyone know.

Y/n's POV 9:45 AM

You walked out of the OR into the scrub room turning on the water. Meredith walked in and stood next to you. There was an awkward silence in between you. "Mer, I'm sorry for making you do this." You apologized sensing that she was angry.

"It's not your fault you couldn't have known." She said turning the water off before she started to dry her hands. "But I should've. It's my fault he's dead." You told her and yourself.

"Y/n, he had stroke you did what you could with the little information you were given." Meredith bargained as you continued to get angry at yourself over it.

"Come here." Mer commanded with her arms opened. The hug was nice it made you feel safe and secure. Mer's warm embrace always helped calm your nerves or comforted you when you were sad.

Mer pulled away to look at you. "Feel better now?" She asked. You nodded silently. You then remembered the parents who had arrived not to long before you started the surgery.

"Fuck!" You exclaimed as you thought about the parents. "What is it? What's wrong?" Mer asked frantically. "The parents, Mr and Mrs Wells. How am I supposed to tell them that they're only child is dead?" You started to freak out as you thought of what could happen.

Mer shushed you "okay what were going to do is go up to the lounge your going to listen to some music and then you'll tell them." Mer commanded as you were fighting back tears that were threatening to fall.

"Come on." Mer said before leading you out of the scrub room past OR 3 and to the elevator.

Amelia's POV 9:56

You had just finished surgery on Jeanne in OR 3. You walked into the scrub room with your head high. Callie followed soon after. You saved her and Bailey found her daughter not long before you began closing her up.

"The nurses are taking Jeanne to the recovery wing." Callie said trying to fill the silence. "Yeah, shes a real fighter." You remarked back to Callie. Before the door opened.

"How did it go?" Bailey asked as she walked further into the room. "It went fine she had three broken bones, a brain bleed, and a tumor that we didn't know she had that I was able to remove." You answered as you finished scrubbing out and drying your hands off with a towel.

You thought about how proud Derek will be. "Well I bet Veronica will be extremely happy to here that." Callie predicted as she began to walk towards the door. "Wait!" You yelled stopping Callie in her tracks.

"Do you mind if I tell Veronica?" You asked Callie before she was able to say anything else. "Sure, only because I'm being paged." Callie said before slipping through the door and walking down the hall.

As you walked towards the elevator to get to the lobby, your mind started to drift to y/n. You thought about how over joyed she will be when she hears how you saved a little old lady's life. Then you felt an old unfamiliar fluttering feeling in your stomach. In that moment you realized that you might like this woman more than a friend.

Y/n's POV 10:20 AM

You and Mer walked into the lobby to look for Alexander and Cassandra Wells. "There they are." Mer said pointing in the direction of a man and a woman who were talking.

You and Mer started to walk over before you turned and stopped her. "I'll do it myself." Before she could protest you continued "look it's my fault that Zachary is dead so I should do this alone." You told her. You quickly turned and walked towards Zachary's parents as fast as you could.

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