We Need To Talk - Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV 9:57 AM

You awoke abruptly, Owen was shouting in his military sergeant voice. You couldn't tell what he was yelling about because of the massive hangover you had causing your head pound.

you rolled over on the floor wishing Owen would stop yelling. "Shut up" you groaned as your head continued pounding.

"No. Come on, get up. We're all late." Owen said while kneeling down.

You jolted up after hearing the last part. You stumbled while trying to grab your things before running outside and climbing into your car.

You turned the car on, flipped through some radio stations before settling on a soft music station. Then you drove off.

Y/n's POV 10:34 AM

You ran through the hospital hoping to not be too late. When you reached the attendings looker room you quickly changed into some scrubs before speed walking to the OR board.

When you reached the board you saw Bailey scheduling surgeries. You tried to sneak past her but failed due to the eyes in the back of her head.

She turned around and stared at you. The stare made you feel like you were staring into the eyes of a Nazi. "Where have been?" She asked with an attitude you've never seen any where else.

"Uhm..." You started "I was..Uhm..stuck in traffic." You finished hoping she would leave you alone. "Ok..sure. I have scheduled three surgeries for you." She said before turning around to continue charting.

"You gave me only aneurysms! t
There's no way there aren't any better surgeries." You shouted. "Oh don't worry, I gave Dr. Shepherd only one aneurysm because he's still not here and you were late, the new Dr. Shepherd was here earlier than needed." She said before walking off.

You looked at the OR board again and saw that Amelia would be in surgery all day. The surgery would last about nine and a half hours and it started at 11:30. "Crap! I won't be able to do anything without talking to Amelia!" You thought realizing that it's now or never.

You sprinted off down the hall determined to find Amelia after realizing that you wouldn't see her till nine PM.

Amelia's POV 11:27 AM

You walked into the scrub room before turning on the faucet beginning to get ready for a extremely long Nine and a half hour surgery when y/n burst's through the door.

"Amelia..." Y/n panted. You were confused as to why she was there. "What are you doing here?" You asked as your heart started beating faster.

"Amelia..I need to talk to you." She said catching her breath.

You wanted to get out of that situation at all costs because you knew what she wanted to talk about. "Look, I know what you want to talk about and I do to but I can't right now because I need to have my head cleared because so many people are in the gallery waiting for me to remove a tumor from a man's brain even though it's the size of a baseball." You said taking a breath before continuing.

"It's a medical miracle he's not Dead. So I will come find you later because I agree we need to talk." You finished before going back to scrubbing in.

"Can I watch the surgery from the gallery because that sounds interesting." She asked with a smile on her face that gave you a fluttering feeling in your gut.

You finished scrubbing before responding, "Sure." You then turned and walked into the OR.

Hi everyone!! We are almost at 500 reads!!! Thanks for all the support and for reading these chapters and for everything just thank you all I couldn't be happier than I am now! also please hit the vote button at the bottom and give any feedback you can give. Be brutally honest with the feedback I want to know how to grow and improve. Thanks again lovelies!
Love Chrissy XOXO

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