Too Much Insanity For One Day. - Chapter 5 Part 1

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Y/n's POV 3:17 AM

You awoke with a jolt, you sat up in bed breathing shakily as you noticed you were drenched in sweat, "It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare." You repeated in your mind while talking deep breaths to calm your shaky breathing. You got nightmares like this a lot ever since you were little. You couldn't even remember a time of your life that you didn't have repeating nightmares. Except for before your fathers death.

You looked at your alarm clock "3:17" you thought to yourself, you contemplated if you should try to go back to sleep but you knew you wouldn't have any luck. You shifted in bed, grabbed your phone, and slipped it into your pocket. You walked to the kitchen made some coffee before going back to your room to change your clothes. You put on a white Nirvana T-shirt, a grey unzipped jacket over it, ripped jeans, and your fathers watch.

You walked back to the kitchen grabbed a mug and poured yourself a cup of coffee before taking it back to your room. You drank it as you curled your hair and did your makeup. After you were finished you checked your watch, which read "4:26" you decided that you were going to go into work early.

You put your empty coffee cup in the sink, grabbed your purse, made sure you had everything before you walked out the door locking it behind you.

When you got into your car, you inserted the key and turned it as the engine roared to life. You decided to not listen to music today instead you found a radio station with people who were talking about a random stuff as you drove to Grey Sloan.

You walked through the front doors and were greeted by Arizona who appeared next to you "well your here early!" She said in her normal chirpy voice. You couldn't understand how she had so much energy this early.

"I couldn't sleep so I just decided to come here so I'd actually be doing something." You said groggily "where's Callie? Did you let her sleep in for once?" You Snickered thinking about how Arizona drags Callie to work super early in the morning.

"No, she's staying home today because Sophia caught the flu" she said shaking her head. "Though, she's having the babysitter come over, so she will be in later." She said shooting you a quick smile. "I bet you todays going to be a quiet one." You told Arizona. She chuckled before you two split ways.

When you reached the lounge, you put your stuff into your locker, changed clothes, and grabbed your pager. You grabbed another coffee knowing it was going to be a long day.

Amelia's POV 5:58 AM

You clicked the button. your eyes were locked on the elevator doors waiting for them to open. You were here early because you couldn't get any sleep. The only reason you didn't want to be there was y/n.

The elevator doors opened as you stepped in. You clicked the button of the floor you were headed to. You were dreading seeing y/n because you didn't want to make a fool of yourself. Except you hoped you two would miss each other because you were there so early.

When you made it to the lounge. You grabbed the door knob opened it and immediately went to the already full coffee pot. You poured yourself a cup of the warm liquid. You drank from the cup as you took your bag off and started to get changed into your scrubs.

Once you were done, you put the rest of your stuff in your locker when something caught your eye. "She's already here." You thought to yourself seeing y/n's stuff in her locker. "Crap" you whispered to yourself.

You looked at the clock on the wall which read 6:19 AM. But before you could start to do anything else your pager started beeping loudly. You looked and you were being called to the ER.

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