Unexpected Visitor - chapter 10

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Y/n's POV 7:54 AM

You walked through the door of the hospital immediately spotting Amelia talking with Mer.

When you made it to them Mer spotted you first. "Hey." She said smiling while looking between you and Amelia.

"Uhm...Well I should get going." She stated before hightailing it out of there.

You turned to Amelia, "Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go public with me. Like be officially girlfriend's." You said nervously.

"I would like that." She said before kissing you slowly. You both only broke the kiss when Derek arrived.

"Get a room you two." He said jokingly walking over. Amelia gave him a death stare, "but it is nice to see you both finally got together." He said with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Anyways, y/n your in the ER today. Amy, Arizona has a 15 year old with her who needs a tumor removed." He said before beginning to turn an walk off.

You said goodbye to Amelia and set off for the ER.

Y/n's POV 10:30 AM

You were standing at the front desk of the ER extremely bored. It has been almost two hours and all you've done was drain an abscess and call time off death on a guy who had a heart attack.

You were so bored you were starting to fall asleep. So you made your way to the bathroom.

You opened the door to find Mer washing her hands. "Hi" you said groggily. "Hey, so are you and Amelia going public?" She asked.

You raised your eyebrow at her before splashing some water on your face. "Well, Derek told me all about how you were making out with her this morning." She said beginning to dry her hands.

You laughed, "yea, I honestly thought he was going to kill me." You continued, "but yea, we decided to go public this morning after you left."

Then your & Mer's pagers started beeping. "There's a VIP trauma coming. I wonder who it is." Mer said before you both left for the ER.

When you reached the ER April sent you towards trauma room 4.

When you stepped in you were meet with Owen, Callie, and Arizona working on the patient.

"What do we got?" Mer asked walking further into the room as you followed close behind.

"35 year old, female, she was in a car crash, and she's pregnant." Owen responded as you walked up to her head.

"Why is she VIP?" Mer asked while looking at her injury's. "She's a famous actress named-" Callie started before you cut her off.

"Daniella, oh my God." You said realizing who she is. "How do you know who she is? You told me that you don't watch movies." Arizona asked.

You took a step back, "Y/N! we need all hands on deck here." Owen shouted. "I can't work on her." You said beginning to tear up.

Owen looked back at you as you were beginning to cry. "She's..my, she's my sister." You said as you began to break down as you said it out loud.

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