Changing Minds - Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV 1:49 PM

Today was your first day off and it made you happy that you didn't have to see Amelia but while you were sitting on your couch watching TV when your phone buzzed. You picked it up to see a text from Mer "hey can you come over? I need help with something." You sighed after reading the text. "I'll be there in twenty minutes" you responded getting up to get changed and ready to go.

When you got in the car you connected your Bluetooth to the car and turned on your playlist which started playing Dark necessities by the red hot chili peppers then you noticed that you were missing your headphones. You thought they would be in the car so you thought nothing of it but it was a bit weird that they weren't anywhere to be found. But you brushed it off and just listened to the music and started to drive.

Y/n's POV 2:09 PM

When you got there you got out of your car and realized that there were 3 more cars sitting in the driveway then normal. You brushed it off and walked up to the front door.

The door opened before you even had the chance to lift your hand to knock. "Y/n hey, thanks for coming. come in," Meredith said gesturing her hand for you to come in. As you walked in you some familiar faces before Derek spoke "hey Y/n, uh, you left your headphones here the other day." He said coming a little closer " oh really! great where are they?" You said very happy to know where your headphones are.

"They're in our bedroom." Meredith said before pulling keys out of her pocket before continuing "follow me because the door is locked so that the kids don't get in." She said starting to walk past you in the direction of her and Derek's room.

You followed close behind as she walked to the master bedroom. Then she slide the key into the door and turned the knob. Once the door opened your eyes darted around the room before landing on someone laying in the bed.

It was Amelia, you were confused. Why was she locked in the room. Before you could ask why Amelia was there you Meredith and Callie pushed you further into the room and locked the door. You pounded on the door

"Hey let us out!" you yelled though the door "not until you two get along!" Callie yelled back. Amelia groaned from the bed, "look I don't like this more than you do so let's just try to get along" you said feeling like there was a fight coming. "I wasn't going to fight with you. I want to get to know you so we can get out out of here sometime soon." She said patting a spot on the bed next to her which told you to sit down.

You cautiously sat down next to the taller woman. "This is going to take awhile" is all you could think as Amelia started to talk about her family, "I have 3 sisters and Derek my dad died when I was 5 so I was raised by my mother and I'm a recovering addict from opioids." She said trying to move as quickly as possible.

"alright your turn," she pushed you noticed she seemed eager to hear what you had to say. "Uh, I have a sister named Daniella. My father died when I was seven and was raised by my uncle bobby and aunt Ellen and my cousin Jo before they died in a explosion at a gas station when I was fifteen." You said feeling really anxious because you had never actually talked to anyone about your past especially your childhood.

"why weren't you raised by your mom?" Amelia questioned leaning in curiously "uh, I lived with her but she hated me for not being perfect like my sister so I always hung out with my aunt and uncle to get away."

At this point you were on the verge of tears and were shaking like crazy and Amelia noticed, "we don't have to talk about that anymore," she said grabbing your hand so you would stop picking and biting your nails.

You immediately felt your cheeks starting to heat up and a fluttering feeling in your stomach, "look I don't want you to hate me and I don't want to hate you so... I'm sorry for how I acted when you got here I just thought that Owen was trying to replace me and I acted wrong an-" before she could finish you cut her off, "it's not entirely your fault. I also fought you when I didn't need to so the blame goes both ways." You said looking deep into her blue eyes you could feel the flutter on your stomach grow as you and Amelia just stared into each others eyes for what felt like years until their was a knock at the door.

"you guys okay it's been really quiet and we wanted to make sure you didn't kill each other." Arizona said from the other side "yeah we're fine and we've got to know each other so let us out." Amelia said getting up and walking over to the door. There was some small sounds before a click and the door swung open.

you then followed Arizona back into the living room where you were both met with everyone's faces watching you and Amelia as Arizona sat down next to Callie. "So how do we know if they really got to know one another?" Miranda asked looking to the rest of the group who all shrugged except for Meredith, "well y/n has a great memory and she hates to lie so she will tell us what they talked about." She said putting all the attention on you which made your anxiety spike so fast you could have fainted, "Uhm, we just talked about our family like I learned that Amelia has 3 other siblings and was addicted to opioids."

You finished hoping that the attention would go to someone else "and she told me how she was raised by her aunt Ellen, uncle bobby, and cousin Jo before they died in a explosion at a gas station." Amelia said trying to get the attention off you after she noticed your anxiety growing but it was cut short.

"you never tell anyone about your aunt and uncle." Meredith said in awe. "So can we go home now?" Amelia asked moving closer to the group "yeah yeah of course go home get some sleep because we have work tomorrow." Owen said motioning his hand for you to go.

"Oh wait y/n I almost forgot to give you these back." Meredith said running after you and handing you your headphones, "sorry I took them I had to." She apologized "it's fine I get it" you said before turning and walking out the door.

You walked over to your car where you were met with Amelia leaning against your car, "hey, sorry about all the attention being on you in there." She said in a soft tone you hadn't heard before today. "It's not your fault but thanks for trying to help"

you said wanting to keep the conversation going so you could hear more of the soft tone she had now. "Of course I always help my friends when they need it" hearing her say the word friend both made you happy and stung at the same time but you didn't know why.

"Though I should get home and to sleep because I have five surgeries tomorrow. so I'll see you later?" She said as she started walking backwards to her car, "yeah I'll see you tomorrow bye." You said waving goodbye.

you got in your car and turned on the radio settled for a random one. The whole car ride back to your apartment you thought about Amelia and nothing else.

When you got to the apartment you kicked off your shoes put your jacket away and went straight to bed. You slept for awhile but awoke to a headache at four in the morning you tried to go back to sleep but all you could think about was Amelia and that's how it would be for the next few days until you decided that you were going to go get help from Callie and Arizona because you thought that you were in love with Dr. Amelia Shepherd.

A/n: Hi loves I hope you like this part it's definitely longer than the others but it's definitely one of the most important just like the next few chapters will be so please tell me what you think of this and I will try to update more when I can.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Word count: 1490

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