Dating - Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV 10:24 AM

You walked out of the scrub room Dr Warren following close behind. "I can't wait till tonight. Me and Miranda are having date night." He said looking at the OR board as you charted.

"Warren, I'm not your friend. I'm Miranda's friend." You stated looking up from the chart in front of you.

"So don't speak to me about personal matters again unless I ask." You finished leaning against the nurses station.

You turned back to the chart and closed it before handing it to Warren. "Go work on scut until I need you for a surgery." He slowly took the chart before speed walking away.

You began walking towards the cafeteria to get a fresh cup of coffee when your arm was suddenly grabbed by Arizona. "Y/n, tell Callie
That having a surrogate is safe." She said as you started walking with them.

"Well..." You thought about it for a second, "well I mean, there's always a possibility that something could go wrong." You stated. "See." Callie said before stopping at the front counter.

"You didn't let me finish." You told Callie before turning to face the both of them. "So, you never know. It could go perfectly and In return you get a beautiful child. But something could go wrong and, well, you know." You said looking at both sides of the problem.

Then Owen came running in towards you. "Patient downstairs. we need more hands! Let's go!" He yelled quickly continuing to run. You, Arizona, and Callie quickly ran after him.

"Holy shit!" you exclaimed after seeing a gurney sticking out the roof of a car. As you got closer you could hear two people screaming for help inside the vehicle.

You ran to the back left door you tried to pull the door open with no avail.

"Dave, is that you? I think that's Dave oldroyd in there." Callie said as you both ran to the other side of the car.

"Wait, you know him?" Owen asked as he looked to Callie for answers. "Yeah, yeah. Stage 2 osteosarcoma patient." Arizona answered "he's due for another round of chemo in an hour." She stated.

"Dave, what are you doing in there? Are you okay?" You asked turning to the car. "My head hurts when I move it." Dave said "DON'T MOVE YOUR HEAD." You all said in unison.

"Alright, just hang in there let me get a closer look." Callie said before sticking her head through the back door window. She slowly retracted her head "are they okay?" Arizona asked tilting her head a little. "Yea, no. They're sitting in each others lap with out pants. Why aren't you wearing any pants!?" Callie shouted
"Well, I can give you a hint but I think you know." You stated before Callie gave you a 'really' look.

"Well someone has to get in there to protect the c-spine." Owen stated. "Nope" you, Callie, and Arizona said in unison while stepping back.

Owen looked at Wilson who sighed and muttered something under her breath.

After a little while paramedics arrived and got the car door off. While all that you phone started blowing up. You pulled it out of your pocket and saw that your mother was trying to call and text you. You just silenced it before putting it away and walking over to Dave.

"At least today can't get any worse."Dave said before the blanket covering everything blew off because of the wind. "don't look!" Callie exclaimed putting the blanket back over him.

"Today's going to be a long one." You said looking at Owen and Arizona who just nodded.

Y/n's POV 9:54 PM

You were walking through the parking lot with Meredith chatting about the insane day. "Yea, my guy was in the desert for a month just looking for his family." She said looking between you and the ground In front of her.

"Wow, that's insane." You stated. "My patents were having sex in a car when a gurney fell on them." You said as Meredith gave you a surprised face. "Holy crap! Are they okay?" She asked as she stopped walking when you reached your cars.

"Yea, they're going to alright. But I mean what are the odds? You know." You said before grabbing your keys and unlocking the car. "Hey, you wanna go to Joe's and get some drinks?" She asked.

"Well, I'm going to joes..." You said trailing off. Mer raised her eyebrow encouraging you to continue. "...on a date with Amelia." You finished. Mer's face lit up like a Christmas tree at the last statement.

"Well congrats to you then. Are you going to go back to her apartment after? If you know what I mean." She asked making a weird kissy face. "No, I want to take things slow with her." You said as your smile faded you quickly replaced it with a fake one.

"Okay, well have fun." Mer teased as you got in your car and a drove to Joe's.

Amelia's POV 10:09 PM

You arrived at Joe's sat down at an empty booth as you waited for y/n to arrive you cracked open and ate some peanuts.

After a few minutes y/n walked through the door and looked around for a few minutes before locating you and walking over.

"Hey." She said softly. Her tone made your heart skip a beat before you began to feel a flutter in your stomach. "Hi. How are you?" You asked resting your head in your hand.

You couldn't focus on what she was saying because of how beautiful she was.

"Hello, Earth to Amelia." Y/n said waving her hand in front of your face. "Wha-, oh sorry." You apologized looking her in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked in that tone you loved so much. "Yea, I fine. Please continue." You said as she continued to talk about her day.

After a few hours of small chit chat you both decided that it was time to call It a night.

"You both stood in the parking lot just looking at each. "Goodbye, drive safe." You told her before she pressed her lips into yours.

You broke the kiss after several minutes before hugging and getting in your cars. When you got in your car you let out a giant sigh of relief.

You knew that she wanted to take things slow but you just wanted her pinned against a wall in front of you and that was the only thing you could focus on for the rest of the night.

Hey, lovelies! I hope you liked this chapter. If you did please hit the vote button. Also thank you all so much for more than 600 reads! It's actually insane. But I didn't really have many ideas for this chapter so it's a little bland but hey I think It's good.
Love Chrissy XOXO

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