Getting Started

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I look down at the files, reading about the gruesome attacks. I shake my head, not believing your eyes. I think to myself 'I really gotta catch these guys', I set down the files and I hear a knock. My heart skips a little at the thought of who it could be. 'Get yourself together' i scolded myself.

I walk over to my door and open it. It was Ghost, of course. His cold, expressionless voice began to speak. "We'll leave in 10 minutes, no later. I hope you're packed" He says, staring into my eyes.

"I am actually, i was just going over the paperwork. Let me grab all my bags" I said walking over to my bags.

He watches you walk to your bags, wondering why you need so many bags. He decides he should help you though

I begin to grab my things when Ghost suddenly starts helping me with my bags. "Well thank you Ghost, how kind of you" I say with a glint of sarcasm but a genuine thank you. As I'm walking through the halls i see Soap. "Hey Soap!" I exclaim. "Hey there lass, leaving for your trip with Ghost yeah?" He says flashing his pretty smile. "Yup! Got a long ride, but i got good tunes and good books!" I say totally prepared for the trip.

"Alright, good! You be safe and you too Ghost" Soap says. "Yeah Johnny, we will" Ghost responds in his gravely voice. We continue down the halls, everyone wishing us a safe trip and a farewell. Ghost opens the trunk of the Jeep and loads everything in. I get in and start it up. "Nuh uh, I'm driving." Ghost says plainly. "Awe man, why" I pouted wanting to drive. "Because I'm your lieutenant and I said so" He responds in a cocky tone.

I huff in response and get into the passenger seat. We have to stay in an apartment and scope out these terrorists. Everything has to be ready to move our team in. I decided to hook up my Spotify to play some music. A song by the Scorpions called Holiday come comes on. I turn it up, only for Ghost to turn it down some.

"Seriously, i just want to listen to some music. Please Ghost?" I say, giving him puppy eyes. He rolls his eyes and groans in annoyance. "Fine" He responds in his thick accent.

He turns it up some but not to loud. It was better than dead silence, which is all this trip would be with this man. He barely ever talks, maybe one word or a groan. Another song flipped on, Iris by the goo goo dolls. This time, Ghost turns up the volume. I look over to see him, surprisingly, tapping his thumb to the beat.

I catch his eyes, i see deep in his eyes the pain. He's been through so much, i understand his coldness and shortness of his words. Though, i consider him a good friend. I know he's got my back. I look to him and smile, and i see a slight smile under his balaclava. The man isn't heartless, i know he's not. I begin to start checking the map, telling Ghost where we need to go.

I'm a little nervous around Ghost, not just because he's intimidating, but because I've been finding him to be attractive lately. Slowly, each time I'm near him or hear him speak, knock at my door. I get excited, my heart starts to pound some. I have to stop thinking about my Lieutenant this way. Its sad, least that's what i tell myself.

After about two hours of driving we find this dinner out in the desert. More so a truck stop, but I'm starving. Ghost parks the Jeep and we head inside. Classic rock is playing in the dinner. People chattering about, waitresses walking around in old 50s uniforms. It was quite charming and nostalgic. We sit down at a booth, and an older lady walks up to us and hands us our menus.

"What can i get you to drink?" She says pulling out her notepad. Ghost nods at me to go first. "Uh, I'll take a sweet tea, please" i say with a smile. She proceeded to ask Ghost what he wants. "Coffee" He says in his monotone voice. "Alright, I'll be back with your drinks" She says walking away.

"What are you gonna get?" I ask as i look at the menu. "A burger" Ghost says laying down the menu. I decided that I'd get the same thing, why not. The waitress set down our drinks and pulled her notepad once more.

"Whatcha gettin hun?" She asked. Before i could speak Ghost says "Two cheeseburgers, with American cheese, tomatoes, pickles, lettuce, ketchup and mustard. A side of fries." He says. I wish he'd use some manners. I guess it doesn't matter, she doesn't seem to care. She writes it down, takes our menus away "Give it about 15 minutes" She says walking away.

I look across at Ghost to see him staring at me. My cheeks feel a little hot, so i excuse myself to the restroom. I bust the door open and splash cold water onto my face. 'Fuckin hell, get it together y/n. You can't keep doing this' I shake my head. I wonder if he can tell. He's very good at reading people.

He wonders if she likes him, he thinks she's pretty. He doesn't want her hurt, but he has to be careful. This line of work is very risky. He wonders if he should see if she's okay, its been a few minutes.

I walked out of the bathroom making sure my face was dry and cold. And i seat myself in the booth with him. "Everything okay Sargent y/n?" Ghost asked me sipping his coffee. I nod "Yes, everything is just dandy" I say hoping the food would hurry up.

Ghost looks down at his newspaper and i just stare off into space until i hear clanging and see our waitress setting down our food. "Thank you" i say, she just nods and walks away. Ghost and i begin to chow down on our food.

It was quite delicious actually. I was trying my best not to be messy at all, i was somewhat successful. I devoured my burger, only leaving the fries. It was large plate for Ghost and I to share. I was already full though. "I'll take some of them to go" I say to him. He nods, i go to grab one and he smacks at my hand. "You said you're taking some to go" I see some amusement in his eyes and a smirk under his balaclava. I throw a fry at him, and he gives me a daring look. He throws one back at me and i start laughing.

The waitress walks up with a container dumping the fries into it. And taking our plates, she sets down our bill. I begin to take out my wallet, Ghost shakes his head and sets down money for the bill. "I'm at least getting the tip then, thank you Ghost" I say. I leave the waitress a nice tip and get up from the booth taking my fries along.

We get back into the Jeep to continue our travles. We still have ours to go. I lean back and cover myself with my jacket as One more try by george michael plays. It was relaxing enough to put me to sleep.

A strand of my hair was down in my face. I feel it get tucked behind my ear, i decided not to open my eyes or make a move. Knowing it was him, but why did he do it. I hear him sigh, a slightly turn up the music.

He feels just as conflicted as she does, thinking he'd never be good enough for such a good woman. He really does feel flawed inside and out

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