Ghost's Love (The End)

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After a few months Ghost and I were going steady. We would have missions, occasional dates together and dinners with the team. Life was pretty good here, finally i could say that I'm genuinely happy. We were all having dinner, and the song by the outfield called your love came on. "Would you like to dance my love?" Ghost asks. "You bet your sweet ass i do!" I yell. Everyone laughs at my remark. We all start dancing around and singing. Ghost and i hold each other, looking into each other's eyes. Remembering our trip with all this music, i see the smile lift under his balaclava. He spins me around as we continue to dance. I lay my head against his chest as we just swayed to the music. "Awe look ya two!" Soap yells, i see Ghost glare at him. Soap hurries up and looks away putting his hands up. "When's the damn wedding?" Soap says. We all laughed, but i looked at Ghost who wasn't laughing at all. I saw something in his eyes, something I couldn't understand.

Eventually everyone finishes dinner and clears out, leaving Ghost and I watching television. I yawned and stretched "Ready to sleep, yeah?" Ghost says. I smile and nod my head, he picks me up and carries me to bed like a lightweight. He lays me down in our bed. Yes our bed, we finally merged rooms. We got comfortable in our bed, i feel his warmness against me. "I have a special date planned for us tomorrow night" Ghost says. "Awe, i look forward to it" I say with a smile. Every night since i became his, i fall asleep with a smile on my face

After a day of physical and gun training, i go off to get a shower. Luckily i wasn't stuck in the ring today, i wouldn't want bruises on my face on my date. I put on a dark red dress, black strappy heels and wore an updo. Wasn't to fancy but wasn't to casual. Ghost is at my door holding tulips this time, i smile and set them in water. He walks me out to the car, but it seems everyone is gone. How odd, guess they're busy tonight. We get in the car, and start driving. "Ghost isn't this the road we took for that mission?" I ask but he says nothing, i become a little conspicuous wondering what's going on. I see the road we turned out on for that mission, then the dinner. The dinner! Of course!! "Simon!! This is so sweet!" I exclaimed. He laughed as we pulled into the parking lot. He opens the door for me taking me into the restaurant. "Aw hey you two! Are y'all together?" The waitress asks, i nod happily and she gives us a bright smile. She sits us down our booth that we first sat in. "Do i look alright?" I ask him. "You look wonderful tonight" He says, i see the smile under his balaclava. The waitress serves us tea, as usual we sit in silence. Our usual burger and fries show up, I'm so excited to eat this burger, it's been so long. We take our time eating our food, then after we finish the waitress serves us a tiny cake. "You take the first bite" He says. I do as he says, not objecting. I take a spoon to take a bite and i see something in the cake. A ring .. he takes the ring and gets on one knee. "Y/N Y/LN you make me happy, forget my dark days, you make me smile, and i can feel safe with you. You make it easier to live everyday. Will you marry me" He says, nervousness in his eyes. I didn't hesitate to quickly hug him, he almost fell over. He hugged me tightly as i began to cry. All of a sudden clapping started, the whole team was there for us. I started crying more thinking of how beautiful this moment is. Soap came over and gave me a hug "Congratulations Lass you two deserve each other" Soap said. Everyone started shaking our hands and congratulating us. We head back to base for an after party. We popped champagne and wine, but Ghost and I had our favorite, whiskey of course. We all danced and drank and sang together. Like one big happy family. Ghost and i held each other starring into each other's eyes. I could get lost in those beautiful eyes of his. I never wanted to let go and i never will have too


After our honeymoon in California, we came back to base to prep for a mission. We'd be heading to Portugal for a hostage mission and then to Sweden for an intel mission. Luckily i got to be with Ghost the whole time. We all start packing and loading everything into the helicopter. Hopefully the weather will be clear for a safe ride. We all load into the helicopter getting prepared for takeoff. I set next to ghost and everyone starts picking on us. Making smooching noises and moaning noises. "If you children don't fuckin quit it, I'll put a bloody hole through your head" Ghost said in a deep voice. But everyone just busted out laughing at him. He shook his head at the disrespect he was receiving. Ahhh just like old times. I guess some things never do change. I look at Ghost who is staring at me. "I love you y/n" He says to me. I smile and lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you too Simon" I say as i sigh.

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