Long Drive

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My eyes flutter open to see the sun is just about to rise. Ghost is still driving, i feel bad he hasn't gotten any sleep. "G'mornin Ghost" I stretch and yawn. He nods and grunts, as usual. "Can i drive now? You should really get some sleep" I say rubbing my eyes. He nods and slowly pulls over for us to switch seats.

I hop in the drivers seat and drive off. I see Ghost already starting to drift off. The poor man is probably exhausted. My heart pounds a little faster at the realization of how close i am to him. 'Fuck, no i can't do this right now ' I think to myself.

I kept driving, trying to ignore the feelings that are growing. Why the fuck do i gotta have feelings for my fucking lieutenant. I see a gas station ahead and decide to pull in for some coffee and breakfast. I leave Ghost in the passenger seat and walk in. I go to the coffee station and prepare coffee for Ghost and I. Then i feel i gun pressed to back and a voice of a man whispers "Don't you fucking move" keeping the gun on me.

Fucking hell, of course. I just wanted coffee and a damn donut but nooo that's impossible. I hear clomping of boots. Ghost.. "If you don't release her, I'm going to have to personally rip your head from your fucking shoulders" Ghost said in his thick British accent. While Ghost had the guy distracted, i hooked my foot around his ankle, tripped him and had him pinned.

Ghost procceded to tie up his wrists and ankles. The employee working called the police, the man was a undercover terrorist and they had been looking for him. Little did they know, we were gonna find the rest of these fuckers.

We grabbed our coffee and donuts and headed back out. Ghost went for the drivers door. "Nuh uh, you need more sleep" i said, attempting to push him out of the way but he's like a brick wall. I could see a smirk under his balaclava. I raised a brow at him.

"Come on, i need you on point. You need sleep, I'm well rested." I said, he then grunted in annoyance and got into the passenger seat. He gave me his death glare, but i know he'll appreciate it later. I start up jeep and the radio turns on. Something about slow classic rock, soothes my soul. I cruise down the road at 70mph, enjoying the breeze whipping through my hair. I hope the apartment has enough room. 'It'd be nice to share a bed' fucking hell, fuck these intrusive thoughts. I really gotta quit this, its not right. He's my lieutenant, it'd never workout. I hear him groan, and his eyes open. Those eyes... Fuck.

He looks over at you, thinking to himself 'Fuck, she's so beautiful. Her eyes are memorizing. Fuckin hell, get it together' He looks away from you, signaling you to pull over.

I pout at him, knowing he wants control of the wheel since he's now awake. He trades seats with me and continues to drive. "Thank you" i said to him "For what" His voice gravely and deep with sleep. "For saving me" I responded. "I don't leave anyone behind" He said with no emotion in his voice. How could this man just be so.. so, cold inside. Its like his heart is made of chrome. But, when heat is applied to chrome, it softens..over time.

We make our last pitstop to get some food and i see a McDonald's. "Ghooossstttt" I say. He groans and rolls his eyes, turning on the signal to turn to McDonald's. "You're the mcfucking best!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes, but i saw a huge grin under his balaclava. I order a cheeseburger, fries and a sweet tea and he gets a big mac with the same things. "Bigmac for a big man" i say laughing. He shakes his head at my somewhat childish behavior. You think he'd be used to it by now. I shrug and laugh at his annoyance.

We eat our meal in peace and listen to some music. I'm surprised he's been so lenient. "Ugh, how much longer" I said in a whiny voice, getting tired of traveling. "Two more hours" He said. I sigh hoping it would be sooner. I guess it could be a lot worse, could be a longer drive. Or an airplane or a helicopter.

We continue our ride, the temperature beginning to rise outside. Finally we pull into a freeway, must not be that much longer now. I roll down the window and feel the breeze hit me. Ghost floored the gas, i looked over at him and smiled. We slowly pulled into a small town, food places and old houses surrounding the area. The houses are wooden, some are stucko and just regular siding. The trees are green, the grass is semi burnt in some areas. Overall is was a pretty yet basic small town.

We then pulled into a parking lot where the apartment is. Across the apartments are the buildings where the terrorists are configurating their plans. He parks the jeep, we gather our bags and go into the apartment. We go up the stairs and he unlocks the door. The apartment is surprisingly spacious, a nice living room and kitchen. It looks like there's two bedrooms. The walls were a basic white, oak cabinets and regular countertops. Everything was very simple, perfect for our short time here.

"You choose which room want" Ghost says. I nod and walk into the one across the living room. There's already a twin size bed, night stands and dressers. I set down all my stuff, and start putting everything away so that's its done. Ghost is sitting at the table going over paperwork. I sit down next to him, "So what's the plan?" I asked him, leaning over to look.

"Well, we're gonna have to sit at the window. Take notes, and watch their routines everyday. Gonna have to see where they're going" He said looking over the files. I nod at him and set down the files. "You should get some sleep Y/N" Ghost says. I roll my eyes at him. "You should too Ghost" i responded. He grunts and shakes his head no. I decided to head to my room, i lay down on my comfy bed. Its nice to finally sleep in a bed and not a seat in a vehicle. I slowly drift off to sleep, enjoying the fluffy pillows

I wake up in the middle of the night, i grab some pajamas to take to the bathroom with me. I open the bathroom door and ghost is standing there in a towel. I turn away and run. Fuck, fuck, fuck!! He swiftly walks out, "Next time fuckin knock" He says, going to his room and slamming the door.

I shake my head and go into the bathroom and take a nice hot shower. I come back out and Ghost is sitting on the couch with a black compression shirt and matching sweatpants along with his balaclava. "I'm sorry i walked in on you Ghost, i didn't see your face. I'm so sorry" i say looking down at my feet. "It's fine, you should go back to sleep" He says in his monotone voice.

I nod and head into my room, i lay back down on my bed and get comfortable once more. I really hope i didn't fuck up with Ghost. He's already grumpy enough as it is, and there's alot to do tomorrow. I put the worry off my mind and drift off to sleep once more.

A/n: Hope y'all are enjoying the book, sorry if this seems short. I try to do over 1,000 words. I'm gonna try and do as many chapters as i can, it depends on how i lay out the story

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