You're A Brat

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I wake up to the sound of bags crunching, i walk out to see Ghost setting down plates and putting pancakes on them. My eyes lite up and i ran over. "Thank you!" I exclaimed. He nodded at me and sat across me, we ate in silence. I really hope he's not mad at me, i really didn't mean to walk in on him at all.

I finished my food and set the trash in the can. I go to my room to get changed. I put on a simple pair of blue jeans and a cute blue button up tank. Trying to be as casual as i can. I walk out and i watch Ghosts eyes drag over me. "Like what you see big boy" i say laughing. He grunts and motions me to follow him to the window.

He hands me a pair of binoculars, we look out the window waiting for the men to exit this building. "Why are you wearing that?" Ghost asks. I look at him and roll my eyes. "I'm trying to blend in and not look conspicuous" i responded. He grunted in response, as usual. I look to see there's a few men walking out and getting into black cars.

I grab my camera and zoom in taking photos to add to the files. "Should we follow them?" I ask Ghost. He shook his head, "Not yet, we're getting a rental car tomorrow and then we'll start following them" He says setting down his binoculars and scribbling a note onto the file. "Now we wait" He says, i get up the same time as him and begin to walk out of the room, i end up walking right into him.

Fuck he's like a brick wall, i shake my head. "Bloody fucking hell Y/n, watch were you're going yeah?" Ghost says sternly. "Sorry" i say walking away. Good going y/n, keep pissing him off. I grab some water from the fridge, look at the label. I almost walk into him again, this time he grabs me by my shoulders. His eyes bore into mine, "You need to straighten up and pay attention y/n. Fuckin hell" He lets go and starts to walk away. "Sorry I'm not fucking perfect like you. I'm only human Ghost" I grab my keys and walk out.

"Where you goin?" He says following me. "To the fucking bar, i need a damn drink" I say. He follows me along and i start walking faster. Across the street is a restaurant and bar. Perfect. I run across the street and he catches up to me. I walk into the bar and sit down at the counter.

"What can i get ya" the bartender says. "Whisky please" i say. The bartender hands me a glass of whiskey. "And you sir?" the bartender asks Ghost. "Same thing" He responds. The bartender hands him a whiskey as well. I pound mine down, Ghost looks at me a little funny. He chugs his down, the bartender pours us another.

Before you know it we're having a drinking contest. I felt fuzzy and warm. "So Ghoostyy, why are you suchh a partay pooperr" I say slurring my words. He shakes his head, "I'm not a party pooper, you're a little brat yourself you know" he says in his thick accent, i don't know how he's not slurring. Man can handle his liquor for sure.

"Me? A little braatt, neverrrr" i said to him taking another swig of my drink. He then takes the glass from my hands, "I think that's enough for you" He says and hooks his arm under mine. "Noooooo i don wanna goo home" I whine. "You're piss drunk y/n, its time to go" He then picks me up, he's got a good grip. I know there's no sense in fighting him so i don't struggle.

He takes me back to the apartment, its now late afternoon. We walk in and he lays me down on my bed. And when I'm drunk, i usually have word vomit. "Mmmm Ghoostyy, laying me down huh?" I say. He shakes his head and removes my shoes. He puts a blanket over me, "Sleep it off y/n" he says and walks away turning off my light. I then drift off to sleep with ease.

He thought it was interesting to see you so drunk. 'Her little outfit looked so good' He thought to himself. His heart raced and his cock hardned at the thought of you. It was hard for him to hide his excitement in his sweatpants. He just couldn't stop thinking about how you flirted with him, it did really make him wanna lay you down for real and you fuck you senseless. He goes to your room and sets down a glass of water and Motrin for you. He looks at you to see you're sleeping soundly, snoring just a little with your mouth open. He thought you looked adorable when you sleep. He walked away and continued to look at his files

I wake up with a pounding headache, but on my night stand i see water and some motrin. I take the medicine and swallow it with the water. I walk out and see Ghost looking at files once more. I don't understand why he just keeps going over it. I sit down next to him and look at what he's looking at. "So how bad was it? I don't remember too much" i say embarrassed, i can only imagine what i did. "You tried out drinking me, you became piss faced so i took you home, i laid you on your bed and you flirted with me" He says, and i see a little smirk under his balaclava. He obviously found it amusing. "Jeez, I'm sorry Ghost" i say putting my head in my hands. "Don't worry about it, there's pizza in the fridge, i just ordered it after you went to sleep" He said calmly. I go to the fridge and get myself some pizza, i heat up in the toaster oven to make it crispy again.

"Any sign of those guys?" I ask him setting the pizza on the plate. He shook his head "They never came back, unless we missed them. Tomorrow we have to follow them" He says laying down the files. He walks up to me and grabs one of my slices, his normal bites are huge. "Uh! Hey!!" I say annoyed. He shrugs and continues to eat my piece.

I heat another up for myself and sit down on the couch. I see Ghost walking to bathroom, and i see something sticking from his pants. Oh.. i think to myself. That's probably what I'm thinking it is. He catches my eyes, i hurry and look away. He still continues to stare at me. Fuck me man, i just keep doing good with him. My heart rate speeds up as i become more nervous. He finally goes into the bathroom, I hear the shower turn on. I rush to finish my pizza so i can disappear to my room. I'm so embarrassed with everything that's been happening lately with Ghost.

I head into my room and prepare my towl and clothes for my shower. I walk out and Ghost is right there. Fuck .. I try getting by him and he blocks me, he towers over me. I look up at him into his beautiful brown eyes. A pool of heat forms between my thighs and my heart rate increase. He almost has me pinned into the wall. He lowers his face near mine, he runs his thumb across my jawline then to my lips. He looks down at lips, but backs away and goes to his room. What the fuck just happened. I go to the bathroom and try to gather myself. I trace my fingers over the places his thumbs were. I take off my clothers and step into the shower. I let my hair get wet, the hot water pouring over my body. My mind is racing from what just happened. His eyes... his touch...I lean against the wall and let my fingers travel between my legs. I slowly circle my clit, my lips part. I start to orgasm, and i let his name slip from my mouth...simon...

Woah y'all, things got intense asf. I had 1,392 words right there. I hope that's enough, i feel i make a lot happen in one chapter. Hopefully its not going to fast

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