Double O Seven

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I put on my gear, all black. I got my M17 on my side. I call her big Sally. I was suited up and ready to go, i heard Ghost stomping around. Those eyes burn through me when he looks at me. My whole world stops spinning when i look into his. I get out of my head, no time for day dreaming. We have a mission to get on with.

We walk out the front door to see Soap standing there waiting. "Hey Soap!!!" I exclaimed,I ran to him to hug him. "Hey there Lass, glad you're doin well" He says in his accent. I smile and look over to see Ghost glaring at Soap. "Don't get jealous Ghost, I knew he always liked you" Soap says. "Shut up Johnny" Ghost says, but i see the smirk under his balaclava.

We all hop in the Humvees, the whole team was there. Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, Laswell and myself. We're ready to kick ass and take names! We follow the speed limit and park across from their facility. "Y/n, Ghost you're going to in and capture these guys, Soap and Gaz will be right behind you. Laswell and I will guide you and be watching" Price says. We all nod in agreement, I'm glad to have Ghost by my side.

We sneak in around the building, i have my gun in hand. I follow Ghosts signal, he motions to follow him and go inside. We hear someone coming around the corner, i look behind me, Soap and Gaz are right there. We grab him, and tie his wrists up, Gaz takes him outside. We need these fuckers alive. We head up the stairs, Ghost looks around the corner and nods. He whispers to me, "They're all in there. We're gonna point our guns and tell them to get on the floor" He says to me, Soap and Gaz hear Ghost too.

We all nodded, we moved in. "Put your fucking hands up, you're going down" Ghost says loudly, his voice boomed. They all looked up with a deer in the headlights look. One guy put his hand low, I looked at Ghost and he looked too. The guy pulled it fast, he shot at my shoulder. I looked and saw blood dripping down my arm. Everyone started shooting, i got down and crawled from the room. I look around the corner, some of the men died but Ghost, Soap and Gaz were able to knock down some of their guns and capture the men.

Ghost sees me and runs, he picks me up bridal style and carries me out. And behind us, the building exploded. Luckily no one was inside, but we saw someone running out. Soap ran after him, hoping on him tackling him. It was kinda funny honestly. "GOT EM!!!" Soap yelled. We all laughed at him. Soon police showed up, an ambulance for me. The terrorists were taken down and taken to prison.

I was taken to the hospital, the bullet was stuck in the meat of my shoulder. So no real damage was done, just have to keep the wound clean. I was laying in the hospital when Ghost walked in with flowers. "Awe what a gentleman" i say. He chuckles and sets down the flowers. "Get some rest, yeah?" He says. I nod and try to sleep.

I wake up, feeling sore but better. I get discharged and Ghost picks me up. We go back to the apartment, sadly we'll leave here soon. We walk in, he has some things pakced. "We're gonna have a long ride back again, but i wanted to drive back to spend time with you" Ghost says. I look at him, my eyes twinkle and i smile.

"Before we leave though, i would like to take you out for a date" He says to me. "I would love to!" I respond. "Go get ready for me then love" He says. He just called me love.. wow. I run off to go get showerd and then get ready. I put on a beautiful loose blue dress. It was perfect! I put on some wedges to go with it.

I walk out and he looks at me, his eyes widened. "Wow, you look stunning Y/n" He says. "Thank you Simon, you look handsome!" I responded. He was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. We headed out and decided to walk to our dinner we've been going too. He has me sit next to him in a book, the waitress hands us our menus. He orders for me though, he ordered us a nice steak and salad. He took my hand in his, I leaned my head against his shoulder. Soon enough our food was set down at the table and we began to eat.

We took our time and remained quiet. After we finished our food and paying, he held me hand and led me to this park. We sat down on the bench, he kept holding my hand. He pulls his balaclava up a little, and he kisses me. He holds my face is in hands and he kisses me gently.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes, "You're so beautiful y/n" He said. He pulls me to sit on his lap, he wraps his arms around me. I felt so safe, like nothing could ever hurt me or touch me. I leaned back into him, i honestly was so relaxed i felt like i was gonna fall asleep. He picked me up and carried me home, he laid me down in the bed and got in behind me, we fell asleep cuddling, feeling safe and sound.


I woke up in his arms again, i stretched out with a smile on my face. I'm sad we gotta leave this apartment, but now we get to go back to our base. We packed up the rest of our stuff, leaving the apartment clean and neat the way we found it. We packed everything back into the jeep and hopped in. I turned on that very same playlist.

I was ready to get back, and start another mission. We cruised down the highway, turning on to the dead empty road that takes us back to our base. Dead trees that were wilted by the summer heat lined all over the road. Since no one was in the road Ghost was flying down it. The wind was whipping in my hair. It felt good to have a road trip again. We can stop at that dinner we did when we were on the way.

I wonder if Ghost will still want to be intimate with me even being on base. I hope he doesn't do that hot and cold shit again. "Simon?" I said. "Yes love?" He responded. "Will we still go on dates and can i sleep in your bed every now and then, even though we're going back." I asked him. "Of course we can love, i think everyone already knew we fancied each other" He says calmly. I smiled happily with his response to my question.

I can't believe it, Simon Riley likes me, hell maybe he's in love. Maybe that's too far of a thought but you never know. As usual, it was silenced down the road. Ghost is a man of few words but I've learned to accept that's who he is. And I wouldn't want him any other way.

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