Ring Of Fire

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I walk out of the shower, still warm from the pleasure i gave myself. I'm in my towel thinking he would be asleep. But he's sitting on the couch, doing his man spread. He catches my eyes and looks down at my body. I feel awkward for having been just thinking about him while i touched myself. "I thought i heard you say my name, but i wasn't sure so i didn't bother you" He said plainly. Fuckin hell, of course.

"Uh no, maybe it's because I sing in the shower" i say quickly to cover up. He grunts and nods, i hurry back into my room. I put on my lotion and get dressed in a spaghetti strap tank and exercise shorts, the loose ones. I decided it would be best to go to sleep and end my embarrassment for the night.

I woke up and decided to get dressed first, i put on some jean shorts and a black ribbed tank top. Perfect for this heat today. I walk out and Ghost has coffee for us. "We'll get something to eat when we get our car. They haven't left yet, seems they leave about the same time every day." Ghost says. I grab my coffee and get walking with Ghost. Of course the walk is quiet, i don't even know how to speak to Ghost right now. I admire the quaint little town and all the trees. Birds chirping and the wind blowing gently, truly a beautiful day.

We finally arrive at the Enterprise and Ghost had chosen a black four door sedan. Just a simple car that looks like every other car I've seen around town. Good choice Ghost i think to myself. We get in the car and head to a dinner to get some breakfast. Ghost and I walk into a dinner then sit down. The waitress hands us some menus, i ordered an omelette and Ghost got some eggs, sausage and toast. He orders the most basic shit.

He catches my eyes and stares into them. It's hard to read him because I can't see his expressions fully. I advert eye contact and look at the grain of the table. "Uh uh, look at me y/n" Ghost says to my surprise. I look back up to him. He stretches his hand to mine and rubs his thumb across my hand. I blush at his words and touch. "Its okay, I'm not mad at you. I've been stressed and over reacting, I'm sorry" He says calmly. My cheeks burn at his words. "Its okay Ghost, don't worry i understand. I'm sorry for being a brat" I responded. I see a smile under his balaclava. Then he speaks in a voice thats not a whisper but almost, "I know why you said my name in the bathroom" His grin widened under his balaclava and race turned redder than a beet. The food was set down in front of us as soon as he was done speaking. I felt so embarrassed that he figured it out.

I slowly ate my omelette, the anxiety hit me hard. We eventually finished our food, Ghost took care of everything once more. And we got back in the car. The ride was silent, i felt awkward until he started to speak. "We'll park nearby and wait for them to pull out" He said in his usual emotionless voice. This man is so confusing. I've heard he's been through a lot though.

We sat there quietly, luckily the windows are tinted. 5%, perfect. We finally seen the guys pull out in a black suburban. "There's our guys" I said, excited to play private investigator. We wait for another car to put some distance, and follow them for a few miles. Finally they stop at a warehouse, we sit away and hide. "Look for cameras" Ghost says hastily. I look for any cameras. "Negative on the cameras, clear" i say. He runs out and puts something under the car. He tagged it, smart. He runs back and gets into the car. "Let's get back" He says.

After some time we finally arrived back at the apartment. We walk in and he starts setting up the computer to watch where these guys are going. I called and ordered a pizza figuring it would be easier. Every so often Ghost looks at me, his eyes over my body and looking deep in my eyes. My heart begins to beat harder, faster. Heat pools between my thighs again once he starts looking at me.

I start to get nervous with how he's staring into my eyes. He gets up all of a sudden and briskly walks over to me. He backs me up into the wall, then leans his forehead to mine. I look up to him and he looks into my eyes. He rolls back his balaclava, revealing his lips. His lips get close to mine, and a knock came at the door. FUCK FUCK FUCK of course. He backs away and rolls his balaclava back down. He grabs the pizza taking care of everything, setting the pizza on the counter. We both get a slice and walk away from each other, i go to my room and him to the living room.

I ate my pizza once more and head for the shower, i don't see Ghost and when i open the bathroom door, he's not in there either thank gosh. I strip down and get in the shower. I'm in my head thinking about him, and i can't help but to touch myself. I moaned a little and I heard a knock. "Is that you, y/n" Ghost says in his deep gravely voice. "I'm in the shower, I'll be done soon" i responded. I heard nothing more, I hurried and finished my shower. I walk out in my towel, Ghost over at me. His eyes burning into me. Before he can keep staring i walk briskly into my room.

I get a knock on my door, "Yes Ghost?" I say. He opens the door and comes right in. "Y/N, what happened earlier was, seemingly unprofessional" He said coldy. What?.. I didn't have a reaction but "Yes sir" He nodded and walked out of my room. I thought he liked me..maybe it was bad judgement, or lust.

He's so back and forth, hot and cold. I don't understand Ghost whatsoever and it hurts. I've been lonely for so long. What am i thinking, a relationship with my lieutenant? That cannot happen, it absolutely can't. I get dressed and get into my bed. I gotta stay on point for this mission, I can't slip.


I woke up the next morning, i put on a simple outfit once more. I walk out and Ghost had some breakfast ready for us. "Thanks LT" i say formally. He gives me an odd look, because i never usually say LT. We sit down and eat in silence. Ghost looks at me and then the files, "Since we can track them around, you can have the day off to do what you please" He says in a monotone voice.

"But shouldn't i be paying attention and helping?" I ask confused. "If you want, but its not necessary Sargent" He responded. I nodded, you know what fuck him. I am gonna go out, I've got the perfect plan to piss him off.

I leave the apartment and head to the store. I buy myself some makeup, a little black dress and some heals. I come back to the apartment after two hours, i bring home some lunch for Ghost and I. I then handed him a burger and fries.

I took mine to my room and began to get ready. I curled up my hair, then i did a smokey eye. I put on the little black dress, it was just above my knees and hugged all my curves perfectly. I put on strappy black heels to match. Holy fuck i look like a model! I walk out, Ghost eyes me up and down. "Where are you going?" He asks. "I found a club in the town, I'm gonna go" i said excitedly. He glared at me.

And before he could say anything, i headed out the door. This is gonna be the best night of my life. He's gonna get so pissed of at me. When he does, I'm going to tell him how unprofessional he is.

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