Long Night

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I took a cab to the club, i have the whole plan layed out. I walked in, sat down and ordered a whiskey. Soon enough, they starting flocking to me. One guy caught my eye in particular. He was a hunk of a man, he was so very tall. Had to to be at least 6'10, it was ridiculous. He was a masked man, a sniper hood. Woah, is that who i think it is?

"Liebling?" He said in his Austrian accent. I felt like a smurf next to him. "Konig!" I exclaimed. I gave him a hug, i felt so small in his arms. "Can i buy you a drink liebe?" Konig asked. "Yes you can" i say. I decided to tell Konig my plan. I wouldn't ever want him to feel used, i wasn't planning on running into him. "Oh, Engel! You're to clever for your own good. I'll happily help you" He said, his eyes sparkling. Konig is such a sweet soul, i love him dearly.

"Want to dance Schön (beautiful)?" He asked holding out his hand. "I would love to Konig" i say. He takes me by the hand. The bass was booming in our ears, his hands on my hips i swayed them back and forth. I threw my head back against his upper stomach. His hands slide up from my hips and back down, his body in tune with mine.

He spun me around, picked me up, i hooked my legs around his hips. I leaned back and pretended I was riding a bull like a cowgirl. The song ended and I slid back down. We both laughed and sat back down at the bar. Konig and i have always a special connection, but we are in different forces and travel around to much.

So we couldn't ever make it serious. He puts his fingers under my chin, he lifts his mask. He licked his lips, he leaned in and captured my lips. The bass from Partition boomed in my ears as he deepened the kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, the kisses became more greedy. He wanted me so bad, i could tell.

"Scheiße, meine Liebe. Ich könnte dir das Gehirn rausvögeln (Fuck, my love. I could fuck your brains out)" He said, his accent prominent. "I would enjoy that Konig, you know i would" i say smiling at him. "I know, it would make it harder for us. I understand mein engel." He smiled cradling my face in his large hand.

"Lets go teach Ghost a lesson, Ja?" Konig says laughing. I laughed and nodded in agreement. We run off out if the club, Konig squats down to give me a piggyback ride. He runs across the street, and with his long strides before you know it we were at the apartment. He grabs me and slams me into the apartment door, my legs hooked on his hips.

His tongue exploring my mouth, everything hot and heavy. We stop and giggle, our chemistry really helps this. We opened the door, his hands all over me. And their was Ghost, he glared at us and stood up. "Y/N, who the fuck is this?" Ghost said angrily. "Oh haha hi Ghosty, this is Konig! An old friend, i ran into him at the club!" I said excitedly. Konig looked so big compared to both of us. I wasn't in love with Konig, but i was starting to fall for Ghost.

"Leave now Konig" Ghost says. I look at Konig, "I'm about to get in trouble," i pout "We'll catch up again soon Konig" I say looking up at him. He smiles and kisses my cheek "I'll see you soon mein engel" Konig smiles at me once more and leaves. I turn to go to my room. "And what the fuck do you think you're doing y/n?" Ghost says sternly. I stop and look at him. "You know Ghost, I'm an adult. That was unprofessional" i say slyly. I must have triggered something, cuz his eyes flickered. He rapidly grabs me and pins me to the wall and kisses me. I melted into his kiss, it was rough and passionate. He stops, heavy paints, leaning his head against mine.

"You drive me insane y/n, every single day i think about you. Wondering how your lips would feel on mine" He admitted. I smiled at him, I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips to his. He kisses me passionately, softly. "I can't quit you Y/n" Ghost says. "So give in" I responded. And he did, he picked me up and took me to his room. He layed me down and kissed me fervently. He pulled my back to his front, then pulled the covers over us. I snuggled into him, i think after tonight I'll never wanna sleep alone ever again. The feeling of his lips will forever be on mine. With his arms wrapped around me, my head nuzzled against his chest. I've never felt so good, and slowly i drift to sleep.


I wake up in Ghosts arms, i look to see he's waking up. "Good morning" He says, i smile "Good morning Ghost" i say. "Simon" He says, i look at him surprisingly. I knew his name but he always warned his team to never call him that. "Simon" i copy. I get up, realizing I'm still in my dress. "I'm gonna go shower, can we get breakfast afterwards?!" I ask him. He nods and laughs. I run off to go shower and change.

I feel so happy and energetic. I start singing The Way by Ariana Grande in shower. I have a good singing voice, not to bad. I walk out the shower continuing to hum the song. "You have a beautiful voice Y/n" Ghost says. I jump forgetting he was in here. "Oh haha, thanks Simon" I responded. A smile forms under his balaclava. I think he's happy too, least i hope so. I put on a jean skirt and a cute blue top.

We hop in the car and go to the same dinner. He sits next to me at the table, there were two chairs and he moved his next to mine. I look at him with sparkles in my eyes and so does he. Two love birds, like we're in a movie. He orders for me, strawberry pancakes. My absolute favorite! He orders his boring eggs and hash browns with a biscuit.

I excuse myself to the bathroom and i feel something on my back. A gun ... Not this again. "Come with me or you get a bullet in the kidney" the man says. I walk with him through the emergency exit. Away from Ghost, I wanted to cry but i knew i had to stay strong. I wasn't going to make any sudden moves. I saw the car, its then one Ghost is tracking. He'll be able to find me, i pretended to scratch behind my ear to loosen my earring, leaving it behind for Ghost.

They grab me and push me into the car roughly. They're really going to regret fucking with this stick of dynamite. Aka my call sign Dynamite, comes in a small package but can really fuck you up. I comply, making them think they're winning. Until, i smash the guy next to me, in his diaphragm, He begins to gasp and struggle for air. I then grab his gun holding it to his head, i squeeze the trigger. Brains and blood splatter everywhere, including all over me.

I hold the gun to the drivers head, he hits the break. I squeezed the trigger blowing his brains out everywhere as well. I laughed like a mad woman, they really tried didn't they? I get out, hair disheveled, covered in blood with a gun in my hand. I see Ghost he gets out of the car and his eyes widened. "Well, that's three down" i say laughing. "Holy shit you're fucking mad!" He says laughing as well.

Ghost makes a call to Price to tell him what happened. We head back to the apartment, I shower again and changed my clothes. I feel better, cleaner. "So what's the plan now?" I say to Ghost. "Well, Price is gonna move in on these guys with our team. Tomorrow night we will take them down. Now we've grabbed enough intel, they're going to run after what you did. We'll catch them as they're trying to move" Ghost says. "Fuck yeah! Lets take these motherfuckers down!" I exclaimed. He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm proud of you y/n, good job" He says
"Thank you sir" i responded

A/n: 1,450 words!!! I'm trying my best to make it longer and make it good!

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