On The Road Again 🌶️

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We had already been on the road for two hours. We had many hours to go, I was already getting bored and going crazy. "Simon, I'm bored" i said. He laughed, "Take a nap or maybe read a book" He said calmly. I rolled my eyes at him, he looked over at me. "Did you just roll your eyes?" He asked me. "No, totally not" i said sarcastically, did he really tell me to nap or read? I'm not a child. All of a sudden he stopped the vehicle, uh oh I'm in trouble. He got out of the car and opened my door then he grabbed me. He pulled me out of the vehicle and bent me over his knee. "Simon!! I'm not a child!!" I yell. "Yes, you act like a child so I'm going to treat you like one. So take it and shut it" He says sternly.

He literally pulled my pants down enough so my bare ass was exposed. He took his belt , and whipped my ass good and hard. I tapped his knee "Simon!!!" I yelled at him. He stopped then stood me back up. "That fucking hurt" i say then i kicked him in his calf. "Stop acting like a little brat, then maybe i wouldn't have to do it, a brat must be put in her place" He says, a smirk under his balaclava. I kinda smirked, a hot military man just spanked me. Ghost, of all the men. I get back in the jeep and can barely sit. I can tell he's satisfied with what he did. He doesn't put the vehicle in drive though.

I started to feel the heat rush between my legs. He stared into my eyes, my heart started to beat faster. His hand crept onto my thigh, he fingers brushed across my pussy. My breathing hitched, it's been so long since I've been touched. He gently massages his fingers against me. I bite my lip trying to control my moans. He gets back out of the vehicle once more throwing me over his shoulder, then setting me down on the hood of the jeep. He stands between my legs and leans in, he begins to kiss me softly. He then makes it more intense, holding my face in one hand and gripping my waist in the other. He slides his tongue in my mouth, our tongues dance as he deepens the kiss.

He pulls my shirt over my head, revealing my black bra. I unclasp my bra, letting my breasts free. He cups them and growls a little. He takes off his compression shirt, revealing his scars. He pulled my pants and panties down, then undid his pants, his cock sprung free. He kissed my neck, and jawline, he kissed down to my breast, sucking each nipple, down my stomach, then between my thighs. He slides his finger up and down my entrance "Fuck.. soaking wet for me hm princess? Fucking good girl" Ghost says sliding his finger inside of me. I moan in pleasure, feeling his finger slide in and out of me. I wiggle under his touch, he then bends down to flick his tongue across my clit. "Fuck Simon" I moan, he speeds it up and i almost cum then he stops. "Simon!" I whined at him, wishing he'd have never stopped but before I knew it i felt the head of his dick against my entrance, he pushed himself in. "Fuck, you're so fuckin tight" he curses.

My walls squeeze against him as he slides in and out. It feels like pure heaven with him inside of me. "I don't know how much more i can last Simon" I say as his starts to pump harder. "Then cum for me" He says, after one more pump, I start to orgasm, my walls clenching around him. "mmm fuck y/n" he says pulling out and cumming on my stomach. We breathe heavily for a moment, then he walks to the jeep and brings back a cloth then cleans me off. He puts my clothes back on for me, i insisted he didn't have to but he did it anyways. Then he dresses himself. "Simon?" I say. "Yes darling?" He says. I got off the jeep hood and hugged him tightly, i never wanted to let go but we really had to get going.

We get back into the jeep and start to drive, i turn up the music. I feel the most relaxed I've been in ages and the most happy. I stretch back in my seat, tapping my fingers to the music. Now I'm bored again, i can't make Ghost stop again just to fuck me either or we'll never get back to base. We pass the gas station where the guy held the gun to my back, once we get to that dinner we'll be home soon. I never wanted my time with Ghost to end, especially being alone in that apartment.

Time goes by, i fall asleep and wake up. And I see the dinner ahead, almost home. He pulls into the dinner, and before i could get out he opens the car door for me. "What a gentleman" i say teasingly. He chuckles and shakes hi head, we sit down in that same spot. The same waitress comes over as well. "Nice to see your faces, what can i get you sugar" The waitress said. I nod at Ghost, he knows what to get us, burger and fries.

"Y/n, i want you to know, i still want your time even though we're going back to base" Ghost says sipping his tea. My face lights up at his words. "I'm glad to hear that Simon" i responded. He reaches his hand across the table to hold my hand. I can't help but to keep smiling, and i see the smile under his balaclava. We get served and finish up eating, then we head back to the jeep. About another half hour and we were back on base. He looks over at me and I smiled. I took my bags and headed to my room, my plain tiny room. I'm gonna hate sleeping alone again. I start putting away all my things and i hear a knock at the door.

I open it to see Ghost standing there holding a rose. He hands me the rose and kisses me. "I want to spend the night with you" He says shutting the door behind himself. "I won't object, i would love your company tonight" i say smiling. I put my hair up and lay down on the bed, but he pulls me up. He reaches for his balaclava, he slowly pulls it off revealing his face. "Oh Simon" i say in shock, the most gorgeous man I've layed eyes on. He smiles at me, finally i could see his beautiful smile. "I've been waiting so long to see that smile" i admitted. His face gets a little red, he leans in to kiss me. Then he lays down next to me. I'll never be able to let this man slip from my hands. He is so amazing in every way possible, i can't believe it.

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