Dangerous 🌶️🌶️

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falling for him wasn't falling at all. it was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home -r.i.d

I woke up, still in his arms. I move a little and he stirs, waking up. "Good morning" He says, his voice rough with sleep. I smile, "Good morning Simon" i responded. I get up stretching, my shoulder is still sore from that bullet wound. I start to walk over to my shower and Ghost is right behind me. I turn on the shower and take everything off. He smirks and takes his clothes off too. The water was hot, the bathroom was steamy. He gripped my hips roughly pulling me back into his hardened cock.

He kisses my shoulder, then the back of my neck. He pushes me forward, grabs my wrists and pins them above my head with one hand. He lines himself up to my entrance, rubbing the tip up and down, teasing me. Then without a warning he pushes it in "Oh! Fuck" i curse. He slowly pushes in and out, taking his time. He kisses the top of my shoulder as he keeps going in and out. "You're a good girl y/n, you take me so well" He says as he picks up the pace. He moans as he keeps going, he grabs my hair and pulls it. "You're all mine, mine only. Tell me you're mine" He growls into my ear. "I'm all yours" i whispered. "Louder" he demands. "I'm all yours!" I yell as i cum. He feels my tight walls wrap around him. "Fuuck y/n" He says in a animalistic voice, as he cums deep inside of me. He lets go of my hair and wrists, he turns me around and presses me into the shower wall. He holds the back of my head, then kisses my forehead, the tip of my nose, then my lips. He leans his forehead against mine, then looks into my eyes. And that's the moment it hit me hard.

I'm falling hard for him, i can't even stop and i don't want to. He smiles, he gently kisses me, cradling my face. He hooks my legs around his waist, he passionately kisses me like his life depends on it. He pulls away for a minute. "Y/n?" He says, i can hear the nervousness in his voice. "I think I'm in love with you" He said. I smile at him, "I think I'm in love with you too Simon" I responded, his eyes light up and he kisses me. He wraps me in his embrace, he just holds me there. We finished up our shower and got dressed. When we walked out, everybody was ooing at us. "OOOOO, Ghost and Y/n, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-" Ghost snacks Soap upside the head before he can finish.

"Shut your trap Johnny" Ghost says sternly, but Soap just laughed. To everyone it was obvious Ghost and i were together. We were walking down to the common room when i felt his hand grasp mine. Then he whispered in my ear "I want them to know you're all mine" He said in his gravely voice. "I think they heard that I'm yours this morning" i say giggling. He chuckles lightly as we walked in to the room. Everyone starts starring at us, then smirking. "Finally, thought you two would never do it" Gaz says and Ghost stares daggers at him. They all start laughing, my cheeks go red from embarrassment. Ghost comes up behind me, holding me. "Awww!" Soap yells. We all bust out laughing at Soap. He just strugs and sips his coffee. Price walks in and smiles "Good morning, we're gonna be taking some time off since we did so well. A three day weekend, i know its not much but its something before our next mission." Price says then he walks out of the room. I smile to Ghost knowing that means more time for me and him.

We hang out for a little while with everyone, making jokes, arm wrestling. Then soon enough everyone scatters about. Leaving Ghost and I alone together. "I want to take you out on a date y/n" Ghost days. I smile at him "I would absolutely love that Simon" I throw my arms around him and hug him. I run off to go get ready for the date. I put on my jean skirt, a cute black top and some heels. I do up my makeup and hair. I look in the mirror satisfied with how i look. I hear a knock on the door and open it to see its Ghost holding some roses for me. "Thank you Simon" i say taking them and setting them in a glass with water. He hooks his arm around mine as we walk out, he has the vehicle warmed up and waiting.

We drive to a nice little restaurant in the town. He pulls out the chair, the waiter comes up and Ghost of course orders for me. "Simon, what's your favorite color?" I ask him. He chuckles and shakes his head "Black and navy blue" he responded. I shake my head, of course. "Mines red" i say. He takes my hand at the table, he messages circles over my hand with his thumb while staring into my eyes. The food was eventually set on the table and we ate in silence. I've learned to deal with Ghosts silence, that its just who he is. The atmosphere was romantic, dimly lit and faint chatter. We decided to split a molten lava cake, it was delicious. He walks me back to the car, but instead of going back to base we drive up to a hotel. "Surprise" He says with excitement in his voice.

Ghost leads me to our hotel room, it was cozy and nice. Baige walls, red comforter, wooden bed. It was pretty and cozy, perfect. He comes up behind me, his hands resting on my hips. He kisses the top of my shoulder, then my neck, my jawline. He pulls my top over my head then unhooks my bra. He slides my skirt down, picking me up and laying me down on the bed. "I'm going to make love to you Y/n" He says softly, running his hand down the side of my thigh. He undoes his clothes next, even his balaclava. Completely exposed to me, showing me his face. He hooks his fingers in the waist band of my panties gently pulling them down. He kisses my hips, my inner thighs then gently kisses my pussy. He slowly circles my clit with his finger. He climbs on top of me, i wrap my legs around his hips as he aligns himself with my entrance. He pushes himself in, a moan escapes our mouths. He leans in and kisses me gently, going in and out slowly. He takes his time with me, not rushing. It gets harder for us to hold back, he picks up the speed.

"Simon!" "Oh fuck" we both moan as we cum at the same time. He rolls off next to me, he brings me to him to spoon. He kisses my forehead "Y/n?" He says. "Yes Simon?" I responded. He huffs, i hear the nervousness in his voice. I give him time to speak, patient. "I love you" He says. I look into his eyes, i see the worry on his face. "I love you too" i say. He sighs in relief, holding me tighter to him. We stayed like that all night, sleeping in each other's arms. I feel at home in his arms never better. I've been waiting for this to happen, it never came. Then all of a sudden, i join the taskforce141 and meet Simon Riley. I thought he was a grumpy, quiet man until our trip. Turns out Ghost is actually a softy

A/N: Its coming to a close but don't fret, Konig gets a love story next!

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