Part 21

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The sun was beating down as they awoke and the heat was rising again, causing Wei to sweat heavily making his clothes damp and clingy. There was nothing Ying could do except stay beside him and fight when he had to, because Wei couldn't, the Black Robe spirit was weak.

Yunlan brought a fresh basin of water to the bedroom and started to wash Wei after he had removed all the damp clothes, and worked to cool him down, but his temperature was climbing. The cold wipes were heating up the water making it an impossible task but Yunlan kept trying, changing the water constantly.

Downstairs, Chu had watched Ying through all his actions of fighting and defending in his sleep, but he kept his distance. He felt that if he went near him, he would limit his movements in some way and if Ying really was defending Shen Wei, then he would put them both in danger. He knew how ludicrous it sounded even to him but he didn't want to take that chance. There was one good thing, Ying wasn't in pain anymore.

Shen Wei saw the black shadow on the horizon coming towards them and he knew that they couldn't outrun it, so why exhaust themselves trying.

"Apep, this is our last battle, what is that?.. Do you know?.. If it's too strong, save yourself, Yunlan needs you,.. you still have a lot to teach him, how to control his fire and use lightning. He doesn't know how powerful he is ... The spirit is waiting in the Enigma room for the next host, he's safe. Leave, save yourself."

Ying had no intentions of going anywhere, he would stand beside His Prince always, until he died. As the black shape came closer, its outline became clearer and looked like a monstrous scorpion with a stinger large enough to cut one of them in half, if it struck. Everyone's worst nightmare, it was an enemy you couldn't defeat, but Wei stayed where he was and faced it, as the creature walked slowly towards him. Its keen eyes spotted Ying and took one swipe at him with its tail, knocking him out of the picture. He awoke in a panic with Chu leaning over him and almost knocked him over as he flew upstairs to see Shen Wei with Chu at his heels.

Yunlan had stopped bathing Wei and was watching his every expression when the other two burst through the door and stared at the unconscious hero.

The black monster towered above Wei, looking down at this insect below and took its time getting into the correct position to strike the fatal blow, easy meat for his meal today. Wei kept his stare as he thought of Yunlan and imagined holding his hand while he tried to summon power, even though he knew that the spirit wasn't here.

In the room, Yunlan placed his hand in Wei's when he saw his need in his expression, while the other two stood watching from the foot of the bed, but there was a sudden unexpected movement from underneath and the snake flew out. Ying forcibly held Chu back from attacking, while it aimed straight for Wei's left arm and wound itself tightly around before its eyes turned red, and Apep reverted to his original colourful skin pattern he had in life, as he remained motionless and in position.

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