Volleyball Incident (Alvittany)

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(Alvin's POV)

The girls, my brothers, and I had been playing a game of volleyball for about 30 minutes. It was just us against them because we were playing at an open gym nearby our house. The score was 24–8, and my brothers and I were winning.

"Hah! That's another point for us!" I gloated in Brittany's red, tempered face. "Next time, don't be so slow to react to my spikes!"

"Ugh! I hate you and I hate this stupid game, Alvin! How am I supposed to get the ball? It was going, like, 65 miles an hour!" she argued in her whiny, high-pitched voice. She brushed off her arms and tossed her shiny, golden hair into the air.

"Aww, it sounds like someone has a skill issue!" I teased her some more, since Simon was busy changing the scoreboard. I could imagine steam blowing from her small ears—that's how angry she looked. Hopefully, I made her so annoyed with my bragging that she will actually try this time instead of drooling over some cute boy in the other court.

I don't know why it's so fun to make her mad, I thought. And why does she look so... cute? Wait, what did I just say?!

She clenched her fists while her breathing became heavy. I could already tell she was about to lunge at me at full force.

"Why you—"

Just as her body was about to collide with mine, Eleanor pulled her back just in time. "Britt, don't. Remember, he just likes to get a reaction out of you," I heard her say to Brittany. Her hothead turned to me as she rolled her eyes, and I smirked.

We got back in our positions on the court, preparing for gamepoint. "Four," I told Simon. That meant he was going to toss the ball to me at a certain height and position so that I could spike.

"Okay, but go easy, Alvin," he responded.

Is this guy joking? I never go easy—especially on Brittany, even though I knew she couldn't handle competition. It's just fun to annoy her. I gave him a pointed look, and he could tell it translated to, "Are you serious?"

"I'm serious, Alvin. Don't try anything, you might accidentally injure someone or even yourself."

"Whatever," I tell him. I got the volleyball off of the ground and rolled it under the net, making sure it went straight to Brittany's foot.

She glanced at it, picked it up, then glanced back at me. "It's your ball, Alvin. Are you dumb?"

"That's okay, you can serve. Anyways, it's basically a free point!" I taunted obnoxiously, knowing she can't make her serve over the net.

"Shut up!" she shouted at me. "I can make it over! Just watch!"

"Yeah, okay, in your dreams."

I observed her go behind the line to serve. She held the ball out in front of her, and prepared for service. Looking at her form, I could tell the ball wasn't gonna make it over the net; it never does!


"Yes, Brittany!" One of her sisters cheered.

"Nice serve!" The other one exclaimed.

It went over the net, I was so shocked, and I could tell my brother's were too. But we were still on the court, so we had to keep our focus.

"I got it!" called Theodore. The ball was supposed to hit his hands, but it bounced off of his stomach instead. I couldn't help but burst out laughing!

"Four, four, four!" Simon yelled.

I should have got that, but instead I found myself rolling on the polished floor with my laugh filling the room.

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