Cold Hands (Simonette)

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(My POV)

The sidewalk, still damp from an earlier drizzle, glistened with raindrops. Through its reflection, you could see the bright colors from the autumn leaves that swayed in the trees above the two chipmunks. The air, crisp and cool, and the gusts of wind made the leaves circle them.

"Do you want to hang out again tomorrow?" The purple-clad asked her best friend as the distant sound of leaves brushing against each other could be heard behind her sweet, calming voice.

The boy gave her a warm smile and adjusted the books that they had just borrowed from the public library in his arms.

"Of course, Jeanette. Just text me whenever—I'm sure I will have time."

He sounded confident, but was not one hundred percent. The oldest chipmunk was always on a tight schedule—between homework, volunteering, extracurricular activities, house work, studying—he could never give an accurate answer whenever someone asked if he was free.

But it wasn't a complete lie; this was Jeanette, so he was sure he was going to find a way to make time for her. Somehow.

"Oh, great!" she said gleefully, clapping her hands together. "I always have a good time when I hang out with you."

Simon turned to her and found his gaze fixed on Jeanette's hair. The soft glow of the autumn sun highlighted the auburn tones in her brunette hair, and the occasional breeze played with loose strands.

"Oh, r-really? Well, I mean, I do too. If anything, I look forward to spending my free time with you."

Jeanette's cheeks blossomed a peach-pink color as her glossy lips parted into a smile.

"That's flattering."

The blue-clad chipmunk softly chuckled and turned his head upon the glowing, red trees. He had a deep admiration for the season where the warm orange and yellow tones casted across the sky and the earthy scent of the leaves fill the atmosphere.

"Hey, Jeanette?"


"Instead of going to the library tomorrow, would you like to go to the park? We could walk together, talk about whatever you want, and admire the beautiful scenery. Unless you don't want to, of course, 'cause I can totally understand if you—"

"I'd love to!"

Jeanette's deep violet eyes held a bright glimmer that made her eyes even more magical than they already were. This sent Simon a tingling sensation within his stomach, which wasn't unusual when he was around his favorite person.

"Okay, great," said Simon, this time with a voice soft with affection.

Imaginations of the two at the park began to linger in the back of his mind. The gentle and refreshing touch of the cool breeze caressing their cheeks as they walked together under the autumn sunlight. Then came the idea of him taking her out on a picnic, and he would find the most beautiful place to set it up for just the two of them, alone.

Before the boy could continue his daydream about a date with his crush, he became wary of his surroundings when the sound of a quick gasp sounded in his right ear.

Automatically his arms reached out and his grip was steady as he caught the girl by her waist. The three books that were once tucked under Simon's arm made a loud thud as they hit the somewhat-wet, concrete ground.

After a light rain, fallen leaves on the sidewalk had become damp and slippery; Jeanette had unawarely stepped on a pile, causing her foot to slide.

Simon's eyes widened in surprise as he caught Jeanette, his heart racing a bit from the suddenness. But he was always there for Jeanette, especially when she could be a little clumsy.

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