Dreams Come True (Simonette)

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(Simon's POV)

I woke up and looked at my surroundings. I was back in my bedroom, and it was dark and silent. The moon was glowing and the wind was blowing a gentle breeze. I peeped at my brothers, who were still asleep.

"It was just a dream...," I muttered to myself.

I rubbed my eyes with my fists before putting my blue round glasses on. I glanced at the clock next to me, in which the time read 1:21 am. I sat still on my blue-clad bed for a few minutes, replaying the dream I had woken up to in my head.

Suddenly, I noticed our bedroom window slightly open. That shouldn't be open," I mumbled, rubbing my arms. "No wonder it's so cold."

I slowly walked over to the window, making sure to be quiet so my brothers would not wake up. Just as I was about to close the window, I caught a glimpse of a small figure laying on the grass in my backyard, outside.I squinted my eyes, trying to make out who the person outside was. Then I saw her.

Jeanette? What's she doing outside of our house in the middle of the night?

I walked out of our room, down the staircase and into the kitchen, where I peaked at her once again through the window of the backdoor. Her back laid against the tall grass, with her head looking straight up at the sky. I could tell she was admiring the sight of the shining stars, as she usually did, considering her love for astronomy.

"Jeanette?" I called out her name as I creaked open the door. "Jeanette, what are you doing here?" She didn't hear me and continued to gaze up at the night sky. "Jeanette?" I stood next to her.

(Jeanette's POV)

I had woken up a few minutes ago, and I couldn't fall back to sleep. I'd found myself tossing and turning in my dark purple-clad bed, when I realized just how bright the moon was glimmering. The stars were gleaming and glistening in the clear night sky, and I fell in love.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the celestial view I was getting from the treehouse balcony. To get a closer look, I ran down the stairs to the Seville's backyard, and I found the perfect spot to stare at the starry night sky with a better view.

The glimmering midnight sky shone a blue glow across the tall grass. I sat myself down, got comfortable, and laid my head down.

Wow... I couldn't help but admire it. The glittering stars looked like scattered moondust in the sky. It was so... beautiful.


A few minutes had passed and I found my eyelids getting slightly heavy. When I suddenly felt the presence of someone standing next to me.

"Jeanette?" A familiar voice called my name.

I look up to see my best friend, Simon. Besides the deep voice, I could tell it was him because even though it was dark, I could see his messy, brunet hair and his dark blue eyes. "Oh, hey, Simon," I said in a soft voice. "Why are you awake?"

He adjusted his glasses so it sat on the bridge of his nose. "I should be asking you that."

I smiled and patted the ground next to me, gesturing to him to sit by me. "So, what are you doing?" Simon asked me, scratching the back of his head.

"I couldn't sleep, and I just remembered how beautiful the sky was, so I went outside to... to..."

"Stargaze?" He finished my sentence.

I giggled and looked back at the starry dome above our heads. "Yeah. I... I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind."

I saw from my peripheral vision that Simon was looking at me, but I didn't look back. "Oh, no, no. It's totally okay," he reassured with a warm smile.

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