Baking Malfunction (Theonor)

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(My POV)

The blonde peeped into the steel bowl and noticed something was off. The ingredients in the mixing bowl were wet, of course, but it didn't look complete yet (and it wasn't because the dry ingredients weren't combined).

"Of course!" she cried excitedly. "How could I forget the sprinkles?"

Theodore watched Eleanor rush over to the white marble counter where the sink was, before she grabbed a handful of air.


The sound of footsteps could be heard behind the girl before feeling a close presence next to her.

"What happened?" Theodore asked with his finger on his chin.

Eleanor slapped her hand over her face, groaning in frustration. "Before you got here, I left the confetti sprinkles right here. Now it's gone!"

"Oh no," said the dirty blonde with a frown, "now how are we supposed to make a confetti cake?" His eyes shifted towards the green bowl sitting only a few inches away.

As Eleanor tried to figure out what to do next, she heard faint clamor from upstairs. She suspected it came from the new TV that her older sister had bought recently to put in their room.

"I'll be right back," she grumbled and stomped her way up the floating staircase. "Oh, and Theodore, don't start the mixer without me!"

Theodore was caught off guard when he heard Eleanor shout his name, his head quickly jerking to the direction of her voice. He had been staring at the homemade frosting they had put aside for later, but the white, creamy fluffiness appeared mouth-watering just by looking at it.

"What did she say?" he asked himself, trying to remember what his friend had instructed him to do. Little did he know, he should have been trying to remember what she instructed him what not to do.

He turned around where he saw the pastel green mixer right where they had left it. He walked towards it and began to examine it.

"I think I heard her say to start the mixer without her."

His brown eyes darted around the room, unsure if he should continue by himself or wait for his friend to come back.

"Hm," he hummed and shrugged his shoulders.

He rotated the baking mixer and looked for the lever to switch it on. His eyes landed on the speed button; of course, he wanted the ingredients to be well mixed, so he made sure to set the speed high. Without lowering the mixer head, he found the switch to power it on and gingerly pressed his finger against it.

Sudden whirr and clatter filled the Chipettes' flower adorned kitchen.

The mixer, unleashed and unrestrained, acted like a wild animal that had just been released from a cage. The unattended mixer head thrashed around wildly, causing the hum to quickly escalate into a chaotically loud noise of metallic rattles and clinks. The milk, butter, eggs, oil, and vanilla extract, now combined, continuously splattered around the room, painting the walls and everything else inside.

Including Theodore himself.

"Theodore, I found the sprinkles! It was with Brittany." The mint green-clad chipmunk began to walk down the stairs, holding the cup of confetti sprinkles she had been looking for. "She said she wanted to add it to her popcorn to make it prettier. Could you believe—"

The moment she stepped foot inside the kitchen, a batch of wet cake batter flung at the center of her face. She flinched and gaped at the chaotic scene that was happening in her kitchen. She had left the room for no longer than two minutes, leaving her shocked at what Theodore had done within such a short time period.

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