Alvin Saves Brittany (Alvittany)

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(My POV)

The red-clad chipmunk was by himself under the summer sun outside the familiar walls of the Seville residence. The thud of the basketball echoed through the air as he aimed for the hoop, and the warm sunlight casted a golden glow on his auburn hair and red baseball cap.

Mid-shot, a sudden loud scream broke his focus and his eyes darted towards the Chipettes' vine covered treehouse.

"Was that Brittany?"

He swiftly shook his head, fixed the brim of his cap, and returned his gaze back to the basketball board.

"Okay, no distractions this time."

He shuffled his feet, preparing for another attempt at the hoop, when he was interrupted by someone with a high-pitched voice calling for help.

He concernedly raised one eyebrow and turned to the tree house where the pleading was coming from. He abandoned the basketball court, the ball still in his hands, and his brisk walk turned into a run. With each step he took, the desperate voice seemed to get louder.


The green doors were shut, but Alvin raised his leg and kicked the door, causing it to burst open. He rushed into the house of the Chipettes' and turned his head to the right, only to see a pink-clad chipmunk squealing on top of the kitchen counter.

"What—Britt?! Are you—are you okay? I heard screaming!" Alvin stumbled with his words, out of breath from sprinting.

"Oh, Alvin!" Brittany relieved, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so glad you're here!"

Alvin scanned the room for any intruders, but everything seemed more normal than it had ever been. "What's the matter?!" he shouted, half-irritated as he suspected her of wasting his time.

"Wha—what's the matter? Alvin—there is a huge bug—right there!" she frantically pointed at the insect crawling a few feet away from his red Nikes sneakers.

He dropped the basketball from his hands and let out a groan. "Seriously, Britt? I thought someone broke in and you're scared of a beetle?!"

Brittany rolled her eyes. "Look—I'll have you know that disgusting bug was trying to eat my face off!" she whined, shuddering at the sight of, what seemed to her, a monster. "Just kill it!"

Alvin just stared at the golden blonde, annoyed. But there was a chance to annoy her in return, and he immediately took it up.

"Oh, look at me! Ahh!! O.M.G, it's a bug that's so much smaller than me! Oh no!" He mocked her in an exasperating high-pitched voice, attempting to imitate her. She watched him, cheeks puffing up, arms crossed. "I'm such a drama queen that loves to overreact!!"

"Alvinnn!" she whined, "Shut up and kill it already! It's—it's moving!"

Alvin smirked.

"Let me use your blow dryer, and we have a deal," he said, taking a moment to think and resonate with his proposition. "See, Dave won't allow me to go skydiving, so it makes me feel like I'm—"


He groaned and picked up his basketball that was still rolling in its place on the ground. He carefully hovered it over the moving beetle, and placing it directly over it, he squished it.

Brittany's eyes widened with a mixture of horror and disgust as Alvin swiftly squashed the bug. She took an involuntary step back, followed by a small gasp.

The bug laid smeared and lifeless on the wooden floor. The legs were separated from its flattened body, and the wings were now in fragments.

"There, princess. Are you happy—"

He was cut off when he felt a lot of weight collide with his body, causing him and the chipmunk on top of him to topple onto the ground next to the dead bug.

"Oww...," he moaned in pain, but he was interrupted once again when he felt a pair of arms thrown around his torso. The basketball rolled out of his hands and his eyes widened tremendously

"You saved me!"

He awkwardly patted her on the back as he flushed as red as his crimson hoodie.

"Oh—yeah. You're, uh, you're welcome, Britt."

With the weight of Brittany on top of him, he arduously pushed himself off of the floor. While doing so, he held her under her arms and helped her up as well.

There was a brief silence until Brittany reminded Alvin to get the crushed beetle off of the floor.

"Oh, right," said Alvin, scratching the back of his head.

Brittany expected him to grab a paper towel and cautiously wipe the bug, but he did just the opposite. Alvin grabbed the bug with his bare hands and placed it in the palm of his left hand.

He decided to tease her and put his hand out in front of the girl, offering her the dead insect.

"Alvin, are you crazy?!" she screamed and jumped, her feet landing a few inches backwards. "Get that thing away from—AHHH!"

Just then, the red-clad chipmunk chased the panicking girl with the squashed beetle still laying in his hands. She ran—faster than light itself—accompanied by frequent screams as Alvin ran after her around the house.


˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖

Author's note!

This one was a remake of the first ever AATC story I made in summer 2023... I wrote it orginally on paper and it was two pages long ...

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