INVU (Simonette)

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"I.N.V.U. As in, 'I envy you.'"

(My POV)

Simon glowered at the boy with a spark of hatred flaming vigorously beneath his deep, glaucous eyes. He combatively tapped his fingers continuously as his nostrils unconsciously flared while holding his heated stare.

Alvin, his nosy younger brother, sat carefree next to him. He was able to translate each thud that Simon's fingertips made when it hit the table and each sharp huff that escaped his lips.

He knew exactly what his older sibling was exasperated about—whom, to be exact. Alvin and Simon had developed a "love-hate" relationship with each other growing up, but their age gap was by a year. Despite the hardships, they'd potentially created a bond that would allow them to always have each other's backs, know each other's secrets, and stick together no matter how bad the circumstances may get.

A few weeks prior, Simon had opened up to his younger brother and poured his chronic feelings about one of his closest friends into an emotional, deep conversation. Although his crush had already been obvious for a long time, Alvin was understanding and cared for his brother. After some teasing, he'd vowed to help his older brother win over the girl of his dreams.

"You've got to cut the staring, Si. It's obvious," commented Alvin as he stretched his arms. "Plus, you look more attractive when you're not envious."

Simon abruptly but unintentionally slammed his palms onto the surface of the lunch table, causing a loud thud to shake his food and water bottle along with it.

"Envious!" he yelled loud enough for the people around him to stare. "I'm not envious, Alvin! What—what—"

He came to a sudden stop when he scanned the cafeteria, only to see what looked like hundreds of eyes observing the scene he had created. He was standing up, but he was lowering back to the bench and began covering his face with his hands ashamedly.

Of course, his brother was right beside him, and he didn't want to look like a chicken in front of him. He cleared his throat and swept aside the chestnut bangs that fell over his eyes.

Alvin looked at the people, raising his eyebrows, and then back at the elder. "Yeah . . . no. Right now, the only letters you can think of are I, N, V, U."

"I, N, V, U..?" Simon took a brief pause to make sense of what the red-clad was trying to say.

I.N.V.U. As in, 'I envy you.'

Simon's eyes opened staggeringly as the sudden realization struck him like a lightning bolt. He was about to raise his voice again, but decided to whisper-shout to avoid being in the hot seat.

"What, Alvin! Would you please stop insinuating that?"


"No! What could I possibly be e-envious of . . ."

He precipitously shifted his gaze towards the girl, and forthwith regretted his audacity. So she heard that . . .

She looked so enchanting with her brunette locks cascading her shoulders, and the lilac ribbon elevated it so elegantly. She was waving her hand and he was able to see lip gloss coating her pink lips shining under the eye of heaven. She wore a sweet smile that released a kaleidoscope of butterflies wild in his stomach. He couldn't even compare her to a spring's day because she was far more lovely and temperate.

Simon waved back, trying to form a genuine smile, but it appeared more awkward than he had hoped for.

The only thing that was wrong was the boy sitting next to her.

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