Just For You (Theonor)

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(Theodore's POV)

Finally, it was lunch time. I rushed for the crowded cafeteria, where I saw my good friend, Eleanor.

"Hey, Theo!" She waved at me. "Come sit here."

I smiled as I walked to her table. I was so excited to see what Dave had packed for lunch today!

"Hi!" I greeted her as I hopped onto the bench with her. She looked happy to see me, and I was too. "How are you, Eleanor?"

"I'm alright," she said, unzipping her mint-green lunchbox. "Derek came up to me earlier and kept begging me to join the football team. I kept telling him no but that boy just won't listen! Anyways, how are you?"

I didn't hear what she said. I was too busy looking at her delicious packed lunch. She brought one of her home cooked meals, which are always really good. Next to that was a chocolate chip cookie that still looked fresh. She probably just baked it today. There were also a pack of fruit snacks—my favorite brand, too! And lastly, she also brought a granola bar. It's not my favorite thing to eat, but it's still a pretty good snack!

"Uhm, Theo?"

My ears perked up after hearing her voice. "Oh, y-yeah?" I answered, keeping my eyes on the mouthwatering cookie.

"I was just asking how your day is going so far," Eleanor told me, unwrapping her utensils to eat her lasagna. I just wanted to just take her whole lunch box and eat everything inside.

"Oh, it—it's good!" I replied. She smiled at me before taking a bite out of the glorious dish.

I watched her eat a piece of the lasagna, and she saw me. Oops. "Uh... Theodore?" she uttered.


"Well—aren't you uh... gonna see what you have for lunch?"

I was so focused on what Eleanor was having for lunch, that I completely forgot about mine! Suddenly I was not so bummed anymore.

"Oh yes, you're right!" I exclaimed, hurrying to open my cookie imprinted lunch box. When I opened it, my smile faded. Inside was a leftover pizza slice from last night's dinner, which of course, I was happy about, considering I was hungry anyway. But, I compared my lunch to my friend's. The pizza was all that was in there—no fruit snacks, no protein bars, not even a cookie.

"Theodore?" Eleanor worriedly asked. "What's wrong?"

I sighed, and decided to just be honest with her. "Dave only gave me one slice of pizza."

"Oh. You don't want it?"

"No, of course I do! In fact, I'm so hungry I'll eat anything..."

She looked at me, confused. "Well, then what's wrong?"

"I just wanted to get some extra snacks, like you have. You know how I am. I can't get full with just this! And yours looks so good..."

She smiled and giggled. I was so confused— did I say something funny? "Which snack are you talking about?"

I pointed at the cookie that I desired to eat.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you!"

"What? What do you mean?" I inquired as I slightly tilted my head.

She handed me the glorious chocolate chip cookie, and my eyes instantly grew wide. Wow, it smells even better than it looks! I thought to myself, sniffing the sweet aroma.

"I baked this for you! I know how you always steal our food, especially the desserts, so I decided to make you some cookies," she explained.

My face brightened and I shouted, "Wow! Are you serious?!" My hands grabbed the soft cookie from her hands. "You baked it for me?"

"Haha, yeah!" she laughed as I shoved the dessert into my mouth. It tasted like heaven— no— better than that! "Just for you."

"Thank you," I tried to say, but the sound of my chewing made it hard to hear.

"You're welcome! Oh—and there's more where that came from."

"Huh?" I was caught off guard after hearing what Eleanor had just told me. There were more treats waiting for me?

"Yeah! I baked about a dozen of those cookies, so just come by my place after school," she grinned, zipping her lunch box.

"Thank you, Eleanor, thank you!"

She let out a small giggle, "Of course."

After finishing the cookie, I knew my cravings were satisfied. As I packed up my things and wiped my mouth, I realized that Eleanor had never done something like this for anyone else—not even my brothers or her sisters.

"Hey, Eleanor?" I asked, getting myself down from the bench.

We started to walk outside the cafeteria doors. "Yes?"

"Have you ever baked or made something for other people? Like, just for one person specifically?"

She took a moment to think, before responding to my question.

"Nope. Just for you."


Author's note

Sorry this one's so short!!! The next one will be longer :)

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