Singing in the Shower (Simonette)

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"Magical, powerful, and... and enchanting..."

(Simon's POV)

After spending a few hours at the Science Institute with Dave, I finally came home to the same homely, tranquil air that usually filled the atmosphere of our house.

During the whole thirty minute car ride, I ranted to Dave about everything that I did there—what I saw, things that fascinated me, people I met, what I learned—everything. And I planned on telling my brothers, Alvin and Theodore, the same thing even though I suspected Alvin wouldn't care to listen for ten seconds.

I walked further into the house and looked around the living room, but I didn't see anyone. After circling around the kitchen and dining room, I decided my brothers would be in our bedroom.

"Hey, guys!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm home!"

I didn't get an answer back, and with one eyebrow raised, I put down my blue backpack by the curtail of the staircase. The house was never this quiet—even if any one of us was gone. (especially knowing that Alvin was home without an adult).

I began to walk up the stairs where I saw the hanging pictures of me and my brothers along the blue walls. Then I heard a faint sound of multiple people laughing, louder with each step I took, and it sounded like it was coming from our room.

As I passed through the hallway, about to open the door to our room with my hand on the knob, my eyes enlarged as I couldn't believe what I was suddenly hearing.

I heard these beautiful, melodic notes of someone singing—and it wasn't coming from our room. I looked behind me and faced the door that led to our bathroom.

Behind the graceful voice, I heard the steady, rhythmic splatters of water hitting the shower floor.

Someone is taking a shower in our bathroom..., I thought,  "...and it's someone with an amazing singing voice.

I blinked a few times, trying not to mind it, and twisted our bedroom door's knob. When I opened the door, I saw my brothers and our friends, Brittany and Eleanor, all sitting on the gray and yellow carpet in a circle.

"Simon! You're home!"

Using his arms for support, Theodore lifted himself off the floor and rushed at me. He gave me a tight squeeze, and even though it felt like he was squishing me as flat as a pancake, I hugged him back.

"Yeah," I smiled wholeheartedly, gently patting his back. I looked back at the others and I noticed there were colorful game pieces covering the floor.

"Hey, Si!"


"Hey, Simon."

Theodore let go and went back to his spot on the carpet.

"Hey, what are you guys playing?" I asked, taking a few steps forward.

Brittany gently slid the gameboard a little towards me and smiled, "We're playing Monopoly. Wanna play?"

My eyes darted around the room, looking at everyone's face and I realized someone was missing. Why would they invite Brittany and Eleanor but not Jeanette? "Uh, no thanks, maybe later. Hey, where's Jeanette?"

Everyone exchanged confused looks and Alvin scratched his cheek. "I dunno," he said.

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms. "Seriously? You don't know where she is? Did you even invite her?"

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