Morning Mishaps (Simonette)

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"'I didn't know that you cuss, Simon,' she randomly says..."

(My POV)

"You think we should wake him?" asked one of his brothers.

They took a good look at the drowsy, insensible chipmunk crashed on his spacious, soft mattress. His arms and legs, spread on top of his blue comforter, exhibited the bare minimum effort he put in to go to bed that night; his head was almost hanging off the edge, his blue, round spectacles laid across his stomach that was slowly rising and falling each time he snored.

"Erm, I don't know," said the youngest of the three. "He looks like he's having a good sleep. I-I'd hate to disturb him."

The middle chipmunk tilted his head. "Yeah—yeah, I agree." Silence arose, unsure what to do. Then he brought his hand under Simon's underarm and began tickling him.


He stopped. "What? I just wanna see if he's fake sleeping."

The unconscious chipmunk began groaning as he vigorously shifted his position until he was laying on his side.

Suddenly, a loud voice echoed across the stairs. "Boys! You're going to be late, are you guys ready?"

It was Dave calling them down to leave for school. Both boys turned their heads to each other, exchanging wide-eyed glances,

Not knowing what to say, Alvin quickly blurted, "Umm, Theodore and I are ready... but Simon's still asleep! Should we—"

"Just leave him!" Dave yelled back. "He's been working so hard, just let him sleep. He needs it."

"Why can't I get to sleep in, that's not fair!" Alvin whined before turning to his brother, crossing his arms. "See, Theo? I told you he had favorites."

Simon's schedule had been a mess for the past week, it was true. The deadline for his science project had been modified to one week earlier than the original. He had not even started it because he'd been studying for the many exams that he had this week. Not only that, he signed up to volunteer at the homeless shelter for volunteer hours to get into a science program. Last night, he managed to cram all of those tasks in just 12 hours. And that knocked him out.

Theodore shrugged.

Both chipmunks took one more glance at their older brother; they began thinking of all of the heavy things that he somehow coped under profound stress and pressure. And astonishingly, he managed to not kill himself while doing so.

"Boys!" called Dave once more. "Let's go, we're gonna be late!"

Alvin and Theodore answered back, "Coming!" before rushing their way outside the door, leaving their older brother to reclaim the sleep he deserves.

--- 30 minutes later ---

(Simon's POV)

Slowly, my eyes flicker open until they gradually adjust to the coruscating light as the blurry objects around me begin to clear.

I don't recall anything that happened last night—let alone yesterday—and all I can feel is my head sinking into my mattress as I'm groaning, slightly aching.

I cover my eyes with my hands before gently rubbing them. I close my eyes for a moment, reminding myself of all the deadlines and assignments that I need to organize.

I'm stressed; I want to go back to sleep for a long time. Oh, and I've just realized I have school today.

My muscle memory forces my arm to reach over to my alarm clock, and without looking, I feel the table until my hand grabs the cuboid. I put it above and in front of me, but I can barely keep my grip and it slips out of my hands and slams right into my forehead.

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