Befriending the New Girl (Theonor)

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"I think I just befriended the new girl."

(Theodore's POV)

I can't stop looking at the new girl. We're in history class and she's sitting right in front of me. I should be paying attention to the teacher, who keeps talking about medieval Europe, but I'm not listening. In fact, instead of taking notes, I'm staring at the back of her lemon blonde head and drawing it in my notebook.

But I can't help it, she's so cool. I really like the way she does her hair; it's simple, but cute. I also couldn't help but notice her purse, which is sea green with a pink strap. It goes with her outfit, which I also really like.

She's new to the school, and I hear she also has two sisters. Eleanor, I think, is her name; I think it's very pretty, just like her.

It's her third day at school, but she already has a ton of friends. I've also seen her play soccer outside of class, during lunch when I walk to the tree that I like to hang out under. She's really talented, too.

Although I see her most of the school day, we've never interacted. In fact, I don't even think we've ever made eye contact. Except for yesterday.

Yesterday, right after the bell rang in the class that we're in right now, I walked out the door. But as soon as I did, I realized I had forgotten my favorite green pencil at my desk. Of course, I turned around and began hurrying into the classroom because someone might have stolen my pencil. Students were still coming out of the class, and I tried my best to not be trampled.

As I made my way into the door, I bumped into something and hit my head, causing me to fall. But when I looked up, I realized that the 'something' that I had bumped into was actually a 'someone'.

"Ow," I groaned in pain, rubbing my head. When I saw that it was Eleanor that I had bumped into, I noticed that I dropped the books she was holding. They were scattered across the floor, and I got nervous.

Even though there was a slight pain in my head, I quickly began picking them off the floor until my arms were full and repeatedly apologized to her.

I expected her to be mad, but instead, she giggled and took the books that I was holding from my arms. "Are you okay?" she asked me, and I was confused.

She reached out her arm to help me up, and I took it. I dusted myself off and rubbed my head once more before answering her.

"Um, yeah, I—I'm so sorry," I mumbled, my head dipped. "I-I didn't mean to bump into you."

I could hear from her voice that she was smiling, but I didn't want things to be awkward so I avoided eye contact. "It's alright. Thanks for picking up my books, by the way."

I slowly turned my gaze back to her, and I noticed how pretty her eyes were. Most people would say her eyes are green, but they're actually layers of teal and blue, touching, but not blending. They were the most defined pair of eyes I had ever seen.

"No problem," I said quietly.

Her pink lips lifted into a smile and she changed the subject. "Why were you running so fast?" she asked.

My green pencil. I had gotten so distracted by the new girl that I had forgotten about my favorite green pencil. It was probably being chewed, end to end, by the unhygienic kids that pick their noses and eat their boogers.

"Oh no!" I cried. "My pencil!"

She tilted her head. "What?"

I rushed past her, but more cautiously so I didn't cause her to fall. Immediately, I went over to my desk, but it wasn't there anymore. Someone had taken it.

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