class 2-a meets izuku, Part 1

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Aizawa's pov:

As I'm walking to my class with the ex villain deku that we caught, I take a quick glance at him from the corner of my eyes, his eyes were dull and his face was completely rid of any emotion. It hurts my heart a little to think what this kid has been through, to have his face hold absolutely no emotion, he must have been through a lot.

when we were interrogating him he barely answered any of the questions that we asked other than something about hating most heroes and villains, hating all might the most witch shocked me because most kids love all might, he did mention that he know a secret about all might but didn't elaborate on that, he eventually told us that he was forced into becoming a villain, we didn't get much out of him after that. another thing was that his arms are covered in scares in all different shapes and sizes, some on his face too. and i dread to think what his stomach and back look like.

once we made it to the door we walked in and the whole class fell silent, I realised izuku was behind me slightly but didn't pay much attention to it and started to address the class.

"Alright, we have a new student, you may know them as the villain deku that we recently captured, before you all start freaking out or whatever he has quirk cancelling bracelets on so he is of no harm to anyone so please be silent when he introduces himself"

I went and sat on my on my chair while izuku stood in front of my desk and began to introduce himself.

Izuku's pov:

I stood in front of the class and looked around to see all of there eyes on me, it made me want to disappear, away from prying eyes, but i took a deep breath a kept my face neutral before introducing myself.

"my name is izuku but everyone called me deku, pleasure to meet you"  I bow my head slightly, when  look up again and look around and notice a boy with blond spiky ash hair in the front row standing up looking at me with wide eyes. 'looks familiar' i think to myself.

"deku?" the blond asked

"yes? you look so familiar" I asked.

he looked at me for a minuet looking a little hurt before it quickly turns to anger "we were childhood friends remember? where the fuck have you been, huh? its been 3 year!."

my eyes darken slightly, I remember now I used to call him kacchan before but that's just a stupid childish nickname, he used to bully me and the last time I saw him he told me to kill myself.

"ah yes, katsuki, i remember now, I also remember everything you did" 

his eyes widen slightly before he huffs and sits down, I turn to the sensei  and ask where my set is and he said it was the one behind kac- no katsuki I need to stop calling him that nickname. once i made it to my seat sensei started the lesson and said we were doing training and to change and meet him on the field. 


sorry the endings bad 😭

(536 words)

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