drama before camp (Part 7)

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^dont mind me just going to put a warning for heavy language cuz there is a lot of swearing in this i dont even know why im sorry also self harm but dont worry i will put a warning before and after so if you dont like it you can skip^

⚠heavy language⚠

⚠self harm⚠


third pov:

it's been a 2 months since izuku has been captured, 8 week's since he met the class and 4 weeks since he got together with sero( i dont know if this matches my timeline... but just deal with it please im sorry if its wrong)

sero and izuku haven't told anyone that they were together but they aren't trying to keep it a secret ether they just dont wanna point it out because they dont want attention. well other than denki and mina they know.

right now everyone in class 1-a are packing there bag for camp, yes you heard it right but its not just any camp, no, its a hero camp so they can train there quirks,

 so everyone is packing so they can leave early the next morning, well everyone is packing except 4 people.

mina, denki, sero and izuku are all in the common room, sero and izuku cuddling on the couch while mina and denki do the same on the  other side, with a movie on, 

half way through there second movie there Pease was ruined by some of there class mates coming into the common room chatting, they were so loud that they didnt  even hear the movie, izuku decided to make there presents known.

"can you all shut the fuck up, your so fucking noisy that you didnt even notice that we are trying to watch a bloody movie so again fucking respectfully, shut. The actual .fuck up!." izuku shouted not moving from his spot, sero hugged him tighter into his side trying to calm him down.

everyone went silent before making there way over to the couches and sitting on the floor and other couches and watch the movie too but not before lida stood infront of the couch where the fore friends where on.

"you must apologise this instant, you can not speak to your fellow classmates like that and refine from using such profanities, why are you even watching movies? you should be packing for the training camp tomorrow and not to mention that you are all laying on each other, you mus-"  lida's hands where chopping the air as he spoke, but he failed to see that while he was shouting at them izuku got up from his spot on the couch and stood infront of him and once he had enough of lida's little speech he decided to cut him off.

"ok, first, no, i didnt hear you trying to keep them quiet when you all walked in so why are you going on at us for?... second we were TRYING to watch a movie before you loudmouths came in, and third we have already packed about umm, let me think..." izuku put his index finger in his chin, pretending to think  "3 FUCKING HOURS AGO, so why dont you shut your god damn mouth and for fuck sake pull that damn stick out from your ass, like come on why is watching a movie with your boyfriend and best friends such a bad thing like even if we hadn't packed for the tip then that is none of your concern like it would have been on us not you, so sit the fuck down so we can finish the god forsaken movie, yeah? yeah." 

after izuku had finally finished his rant all you could hear was his heavy breathing from saying all that in like 2 breathes and sero, mina and denki's snickering in the background. lida was speechless so he just went and sat next to Todoroki, izuku was about to sit down when uraraka stood up.

"hey, you cant just say what ever you want to him and calling us loudmouths how dar-" she barley got to finish her sentence when izuku cut her off with a big groan.

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