izuku's quirks

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^ok so this is just a chapter about  izuku's quirks i might change them or add more later and just a head's up im not good at descriptions so i hope you understand what im saying.^

izuku's quirks:

craft: the user can create anything from food to weapons, example, guns, explosives, any type of weapon or  material, food, drink, flower you name it the user can make it as long the user has seen it before whether it was a picture or  seen it  in person as long as they have seen it then they can make it. (they use energy to make stuff)

drawback: when the user uses this quirk too many times they cant use it for a couple hours and they get headaches and loose energy. so they just need to rest to gain energy again.


healing: the user can heal themselves and others, to heal themselves they just have to focus on there injury and put a little bit of energy into there hands and put it over there injury and then it will heal. to heal others they have to do the same, the bigger or the worse of the injures the more energy the user has to put into healing the wound.

drawback: the user can get drained of there energy depending on how much energy they put into healing themselves or others. so they just need to rest.


regeneration: if the user loses a finger, arm, leg or any limb, they can regenerate it. or get stabbed or anything there body instantly starts to put the users body back together.

drawback: it takes about an hour or two, to regenerate there limbs depending on what limb  was dismembered. they will feel the pain of the limb that was severed for about a day before it goes away again. same with any shot or stab wounds


green flame: basically shoto Todoroki's fire quirk but its green, and the user can set there whole body on fire with a green flame and they can make flame objects (example they can make a sword made of a green flame) 

drawbacks: if overused then the users body with over heat for a while till the users body heat regulates again. (so basically they just get really hot and sweaty till there body cools down, but if the user trains then they can use it for longer before becoming over heated.)

- remember he has 4 quirks because he was experimented on with the league.-

^if i think of anymore i will add them later on^

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