training (Part 2)

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Izuku's pov:

Mr aizawa said to change and meet him on the field, i walked into the changing room and went to a un-used locker and began to change.

I could feel the eyes on me when I took my shirt of i mean I have a huge scar on my back where the league wanted to test if one of my quirks worked not to mention all the other scars I have all over my body, some from togas knifes, burn marks from dabi's blue flame, and other weapons that shigaraki used whenever i misbehaved. I speed up and change as quickly as i could and left the changing room.

i was the first there so i just sat on the floor, fiddling with my fingers, waiting for the rest of the class to get out. aizawa came out a couple of minuets later. when he saw me he looked amused for a second before putting his "i don't care" face back on. i lay back onto the floor and watch the clouds move slowly. 

about 5 minuets later i felt multiple presences  and then eyes on me so i sit up and look around  to see everyone looking at me, i blink a couple of time before just standing up and looking at aizawa-sensei.

"right, today we are going to be focusing on hand to hand combat in pairs of two, and before you ask i will be picking your pairs". there were some groans but other than that there were no other protests 

As sensei was listing off the groups off people i looked around to see a small boy with purple balls on his head reaching out to touch a girl with pink hair and skin impropriety, before i could comprehend what i was doing i swept the purple heads feet from under him before he could touch him and put my foot on his chest, he let a surprised yelp out turning the attention of others to us, i didn't care though i dug my foot into his chest more.

"try that shit again, see what happen" i growled

he put his hands by the side of his face, as if he was surrendering so i let him go and straitened myself up slightly before turning my attention back to aizawa-sensei again  "I apologies for the disturbance sensei but he was going to touch the pink girl inappropriately and I'm sure she wouldn't have appreciated it"

"its fine problem child" aizawa said, "off you go into your pairs, izuku your with me." he continued.

i nodded and followed him to the side before both of us getting into a fighting stance,

*time skip to after there fight* 

cuz i dont know how to write fighting sense,

(dont worry i will lean for future sense)

I stood in front of him until he caught his breath then lent him my hand and helped him to his feet with ease. we turned and realised that there was a small group of students watching our fight, i heard sensei sigh before speaking up. "good work everyone go change and go to class or whatever, good work problem child." aizawa said before turning on his heal and leaving.

we all went to change and then headed to the class, once again i was the first one there so i just sat in my seat with my head in my arms resting in my desk. 

*5 minutes later*

everyone walked into the class room talking quite loudly but i was minding my own business when i felt a tap on my solder, i flinches and looked up to see the pink haired girl in front of me with a big smile and her hand out stretched to me "mina ashido, nice to meet you!" she exclaimed as i shake her hand  

"izuku or you can call me deku, nice too meet you too." i introduce.  she continued "i just wanted to say thank you for saving me from that perv and also i saw your fight with sensei and you were so badass, oh and one more thing can i be you friend please!" she dragged out the 'please' at the end, but i wasn't sure how to respond to that cuz I've never had a proper friend so i don't even know what that feels like so i just tell her the truth.

"your welcome about the perv, and thanks for the complement but I've never had proper friends before so i don't even know how to be your friend sorry"

the whole class fell silent after that, and all eyes where on me and i started to feel uncomfortable. it was silent for about 10 seconds before mina grabbed my hands bringing them closer to her. and i tensed up

"I'm going to be your first friend then ok i will show you what its like to have friends there is no way off getting out of it, I'm your bestie now." she said smiling

i was confused, i am a villain why would she want to be my friend. "why do you wanna be my friend though? I'm a villain, how do you know that i wont just hurt you or something?" i asked with a tilt of the head and a confused look on my face.

"because your in a villain rehab and I'm sure if you wanted to hurt me you would have by now and  because everyone deserves a second chance right? and plus your super cute and i just love making friends so were friends now and I'm not taking no for an answer. ok?" mina explained

I just nodded, not really knowing what else to do, she squealed and then she hugged me,

 i froze in place i haven't had a hug in years, i forgot what one feels like but its warm and comforting, i slowly hug back and bury my face into her neck. 

(977 words)

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