camp 4 (part 12)

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izuku's pov:

 when i woke up i was snuggled up close to hanta, i was warm and comfortable and i didnt want to move but i knew that i had too soon because training would start soon, though i did have a horrible gut feeling that something was going to go wrong today. i pushed that feeling aside and just led there awake in hanta's embrace while i wait for our alarm to go off.

while i led there my thoughts began to wonder.

last night was the first thought that popped into my head and my face flushed red. me and hanta had sex, we i cant believe we did that. it was honestly the best experience i've ever had and i hope to do it with him again soon.

the next thought that popped into my brain was about training, i have pretty much mastered my quirks with only little to no difficulty. since i had been trained by the league for the past 3 years, my quirks have already been mastered to near perfection because anything less from perfect would have earned me a brutal beating.

i wonder if the league would come for me. take there toy back, though they did leave me to take care of the hero's. but i failed, did they have that much faith in me that they thought i could take care of the hero's all by myself? i didnt use my full power mainly because i wanted to get caught, not wanting to serve the villains anymore. just before my last mission i overheard some of the villains saying that they wanted to force more quirks onto me but there was a risk that i could have died, so i am forever grateful for my dads for saving me.

i was startled from my thoughts when my alarm began to blare, i sat up and leaned over hanta and turned it off then slumped over hanta and sighed.

"you ok baby?" hanta whispered tiredly as he pulled me fully on top of him, i jumped slightly, startled by the sudden voice but melted into his hold.

"m'fine just tired and my thoughts are quite loud today." i replied stuffing my face into his chest.

hanta stroked my hair "im sorry baby" he paused "why dont we get up and go sit with your dad till training starts?" he suggested

"ok" i slowly lifted myself off of hanta and stood up, hanta doing the same.

we both showered and changed before leaving our cabin, we made our way to the training grounds where we found a couple of the other students and my dad with the pussycats waiting for the rest of the class.

i walked straight up to my dad and hugged him, burring my face into his scarf, not caring that some of my class was watching. 

"he said he was tired and that his thoughts are quiet loud today" i heard hanta inform my dad as my dad held me in a tight embrace. after a few minuets i heard more voices and let go of dad and went back to hanta and hugged him. 

"and clingy" i heard my dad mutter before addressing the class.

"we will be doing something different today. we will be going into the forest,  half of the class will be hiding on the outskirts of the trail, they will be the scarers and every three minuets one group at a time will go in, there are tags at the far end of the root, your job is to collect them." aizawa said in his usual bored and tired tone, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"those who are scarers aren't aloud to make physical contact, use your quirks to terrify the others, got it?" mandalay exclaimed exitedly.

everyone agreed and we all got into pares, half the class went into the forest to hide while the other half got ready to enter the forest.

"hey izu, wanna be my partner?" hanta whispered into my ear as i hadn't yet moved from my place hugging him, i nodded into his chest before finally letting go and standing next to him.

third pov:

everyone was in place and the first group had gone, the second now waiting there turn. mina, denki, sero and izuku were all waiting by aizawa, izuku had wanted to stay close to him, clutching sero's hand while his other was gripping aizawas sleeve.

izuku couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happed and the screams of his classmates getting scared by his other classmates are not helping ease his mind, he would flinch every time he heard a scream and clutch harder onto sero's hand and Aizawa's sleeve.

"izuku" aizawa said turning to stand infront of izuku, though izuku didnt let go of his sleeve. "what's wrong?" he continued.

izuku sniffed "i just can't get the feeling that something bad is going to happen to go away" he admitted, looking up at his dad with slight fear, something aizawa never wanted to see in his kids eyes.

"were out in the middle of nowhere kid, nothing is going to happen. your probably just nervous about going into the forest." aizawa said crouching down so he was almost eye level with the greenette.

"b-but what if something does happen, my gut is almost never wrong." izuku stressed, sero butted in before aizawa could.

"if anything does happen your not alone ok? i will be by your side. your dad and friends will also be here for you, try not to worry so much and try to relax a little." sero said gently pulling izuku into a side hug so izuku didnt have to let go of his dads sleeve and kissed the top of his head lovingly.

izuku relaxed a little and nodded, smiling a small smile, one that only the people closest to him get to see. and everyone sat/stood in a comfortable silence.

but unfortunately there peace never seamed to last.

there was a scream, but it wasn't like the screams they had heard previously, someone had shouted 'fire' at the top of there lungs.

izuku and the rest of the group looked towards the forest. you could see blue flames peaking from above the trees. and izuku froze, he knew those flames, those were the same flames that haunted his dreams, the same flames that created half the scars on his body, those were the villain dabi's flames.

izuku suddenly unfroze and sped into the forest, he was mad, no... izuku was furious, the villains had come back, even if they weren't hear for him they had still come back and where now attacking his classmates. izuku wasn't a villain anymore, he wasn't a monster, it didnt matter to him that his classmates were always assholes to him. they were only human, just like him.

izuku was determined to help his classmates and stop the league of villains once and for all.


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