talent show? (Part 4)

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Aizawa's pov:

closing the door to nezu's office, i let out a big sigh. honestly i dont get paid enough for this. the rat satin (nezu) just told me that my class was having a talent show, live on tv next week, "we have to show the world that even if they are hero's in training, they are still kids and can have fun" was nezu's exact words . so now im on my way, 10 minuets late might i add, to class to tell them about it so they can prepare. 

i open the class room door to find utter chaos, lida trying to calm everyone down, bakugo shouting at everyone while his hands sparking, mina, denki, sero and izuku was sat in the corner, when i looked closely, mina and denki was talking and not noticing that izuku was on the brink of a panic attack, sero trying to calm him down, my dad instincts kicked in and i quickly yelled for everyone to be quiet as i ran up to izuku and pulled him into a hug.

i put his ear to my chest so he could listen to my heart beat. after a couple minuets he finally calmed down, thats when i realised how silent it was, i looked around an realised that everyone was staring at us, i gave them a death glare and they all looked away and went to the seats except sero. mina and denki were hesitant, but still went to there seats.

i've noticed from the 2 and a half weeks that izuku has been there he has gotten extremely close with sero, mina and denki, he shows them (even if it is a little bit) emotion. also i've realised that mina gives him quit a lot of hugs and even if he wont admit it i know he liked them, i know he is touched starved so it nice to see him getting some affection. also with denki, i've noticed that he often sits extra close to izuku and mina and weather he has an arm around there shoulders or waist. (not a ship, its platonic) while with sero, it's like they cant stay way from eachother, there always in the same room, you can barley find them apart. the way they look at eachother, 

i am almost certain that sero and izuku all have a crush on each other,

i look at sero and can tell that he want's to comfort izuku so i called him over.

"sero come here please."

he walked over no hesitation 

i hand izuku over to him and he raps him in a hug.

"you can sit with him while i tell the class abut my announcement." i said as i walk to the front of the class.

third person pov:

sero sat in izuku's seat and sat izuku on his lap, izuku didnt seam to mind as he hid his face in sero's chest. while sero rubbed izukus back and played with his hair.

 izuku loved it and also really appreciated the affection he was getting.

honestly he looked asleep but he was very much awake and even if he seamed calm on the out side he still had his guard up, after every panic attack he has he is always on high alert, and always overthinking, but for now he decided to start to listen to aizawa.

"-next week there will be a talent show, you can sing, dance, play an interment or whatever, you dont have to participate if you dont want to. any questions?" aizawa asked

mina raised her hand "can we work i groups?"

"yes" aizawa stated in monotone "anymore questions?"

uraraka raised her hand "what does the winner get?"

aizawa sighed "the winner get to preform again if they wish too, now anymore questions?"

no one raised there hand.

"good, now you have the rest of the week off to practice you can talk among yourselves till the bell, then your free to do what you want, dont bother me." aizawa stated as he crawled into his sleeping bag and laid down on the floor then faced the wall.

it was silent fore a good minuet before the class erupted with silent cheers as they began to talk among themselves.

mina and denki came over and began to talk to sero, talking quietly amongst themselves  trying not to disturb izuku but after about 5 minuets he got uncomfortable and sat up on sero's lap and stretches with a little yawn.

a loud 'awwww' was heard from his left so he turned to see mina who was sat on his desk. 

"that was so cute, i think i just died, denki, sero, did you see it, omg please tell me you saw that!?" mina squealed 

izuku turned to his right to sero and tilt his head confused, sero blushes and chuckled at his confused state.

"your yawn was adorable izu, you know how mina gets with cute things." sero said looking izuku right in the eyes. izuku blushed and looked down at his lap.

mina jumped down from the table and crouched down infront of izuku next to sero's chair. "what are you gunna do for the talent show, or are you not participating?" she asked excitedly with a big smile. 

"u-um i was t-thinking about sing a song? " izuku asked just loud enough for only them to hear.

"OMG REALLY" mina shouted a bit to loud, izuku flinched and mina was quick to apologise. 

"it's f-fine, what are you all gunna do?" izuku asked looking at them all

"well im going to dance with some of the girls" mina informed

"um im not going to do anything" denki said unbothered

"what? why not denks?" mina asked, a pout forming on her lips

"i just dont feel like it, and plus wouldn't want to take the fame off of you would we?" denki teased

mina huffed "no, i guess not" 

izuku smiled slightly, while watching his two best friends before turning to sero. 

"what are you going to do?" izuku asked tilting his head to the side slightly

"um im not sure" sero said, looking at izuku

"well, do you know how to sing?" izuku asked


"then why dont we sing a song together? umm a Spanish song? cuz i know you speak Spanish and when i was with the league they made me learn some other languages." izuku asked rambled nervously

"sure" sero said with a smile, easing izukus nerves

izuku nodded with a blush and hid his face in sero's chest again

'cute' sero thought looking at the smaller boy with a caring expression, 

sero really liked izuku, no, not liked, sero loved  izuku. even though he has only known izuku for a short period of time, sero has fallen in love with him. 

izuku liked sero too but is unsure of what to do since he has never felt this way about anyone before.

but maybe, just maybe izuku and sero can become more, and everything will go izuku's way 

 (1096 words)

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