the hang out (Part 3)

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izuku's pov:

I've been at UA for about 2 weeks now and so far the only people who talk to me (other than some of the teachers) are some of the bakusquad  (at least that is what mina calls them) so mina, sero, kaminari and Kirishma, bakugo sometimes talks to me well more like yelling at me and i think he tried apologising for what he did to me for all those years when we were kids but he seemed to struggle and just storm off so I don't actually know if it was an apology or not.

Mina somehow convinced me to have a game/movie night with the class so that is what we are doing right know, sat in the common room about to play never have i ever, we are all sat on the floor with mina to my right and denki to my left, once everyone is settled mina explains the game.

"everyone has to put up 10 fingers and if you have done the thing that someone asked then you have to put a finger down who ever has the most finger at the end of the game win!" mina explained.

everyone put 10 fingers up and mina started.

"never have i ever, broken a bone" mina said 

me, Todoroki, mina and denki put a finger down

mina looked at me "ok green your turn!"

i thought for a moment before i thought of something "ok, umm never have i ever got a tattoo?"

me, sero and bakugo put a finger down while the rest looked shocked and started asking to see them.

"ALRIGHT, SHUT UP YOU SHITTY EXTRAS!" you guess who that was, 

"omg green you never told me you had a tattoo can you show us please!" mina pleaded                    i sighed and stood up and pulled my shirt off, i had a tattoo over the left side of my chest that said DEATH in cursive and i has another tattoo on my right forearm

^ the picture at the top is what his tattoo looks like on his chest^

^ this but it says boy instead of girl^

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^ this but it says boy instead of girl^

mina squealed and started to examine them for a couple seconds before i got uncomfortable so i put my shirt on. im glad no one asked about the scars. there were a couple disgusted looks but other than that no one reacted to my scars. After a few rounds we got board so mina said we have to play truth or dare but with a bottle so whoever it lands on has to answer a truth or dare.

uraraka spins the bottle and it lands on me, im a little nervous to answer cuz she is one of the people that hates me.....but...


"dare" i say, looking straight at her 

she smirks " i dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room"

i blink a couple of times before i turned to sero, ( hehe bet you didnt see that coming did you?) who was next to mina, and i crawled over and sat in front of him, when our eyes met his went wide, i looked at his eyes then to his pink plump lips before looking back into his eyes, silently asking if it was ok, when sero nodded we both leaned in.

when our lips met it felt like a spark ran all the way down my body, i gabbed the back of his head to deepen the kiss before letting go and moving back, sero's face was really red, i gave him a small smile before going back to my seat,

mina was fangirling quietly with denki while most of the class didnt seem bothered, 

well there was a few who didnt like it

i looked uraraka in the eye and i could see that she was hurt, annoyed, disgusted even 'did she think i was gunna kiss her, eww' i think to myself, 

the hurt look in her eyes turned into anger as she stood up and began to raise her voice.

"what the fuck was that i said the hottest person sero's like 5/10, you could have kissed bakugo or something or jirou or momo or eve-" i cut her off before she could say anymore " who you? yeah no thanks your like a two, a three at best ok and bakugo is a fucking dick who i hate, you said hottest person, you didn't specify if it was the best looking person in your opinion or mine so why don't you sit the fuck down and shut you nasty ass mouth before i fucking shut it for you." i said calmly at first before i got a little mad at the end.

she shut her mouth instantly and sat down with a big huff and mina and denki tried to comfort me cuz i was a little mad but a hug from mina and i was calm again and the games continued.

after about another hour or two of playing games we decided to watch a movie me mina and denki sat on one of the couches i was in the middle with minas head in my lap while i play with her hair (very soft btw) and denki cuddled into my side, sero sat on the floor  in-between my legs at some point and i used my other hand to play with his hair, i was comfortable and warm and even if it was just from three people i felt loved and cared for, for the first time in a long time, i let myself drift to sleep about half way through the movie cuddled up to mina and denki, sero still in-between my legs on the floor, just before i fell asleep the only thought in my mind was,

'maybe i can finally be happy'


(971 words)

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