talent show 2 (Part 6)

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^authors note^

just quickly, sorry its not very good it was kinda rushed but the next chapter will hopefully be better anyway enjoy.


izuku's pov:

" we gotta go and see who won" 

 i grabbed sero's hand and dragged him to a room where all the contestants were, mina and denki following close behind. when we made it there we found a empty stot at the back of the room and sat on the floor, sero was first to sit and he pulled me onto his lap  while mina and denki sat next to us chatting exitedly about who they though would win, some people looked at me and sero funny and i got uncomfortable so i just buried my head into his neck and he held me close. 

i may be an ex-villain but i have always hated when people stare at me, i always feel judged and being an ex-villain, well, most people tend to hate me, but normally from afar, to scared to come to close just encase i lash out and hurt them, which of course i would never do, but you know, you apparently can never be to sure, even if i was forced and dont do anything even remotely related to villainy anymore. most are still wary.

i was brought out of my thoughts when the door slammed open to reveal dad and papa (just to clarify dad is aizawa and papa is mic they adopted izuku a week after they caught him) 

"hello there little listeners, we have come to announce the winner of the show, can we get a drum roll please?" papa said enthusiastically

there were the sound of people slapping there knees to make a drumming sound that rang through the room, and i had to resist the urge to cover my ears.

"hanta sero and izuku aizawa have won the concert, lets all give them a round of applause," papa continued

the whole room burst with cheers and whistles, 

once everyone calmed down the all went to sit in the crowd and wait for mine and sero's last performance, me and sero went to change into our last outfit and get ready for our last song.

third pov:

once they finished izuku and sero held hands in the middle of the stage and bowed before walking off.

once they made it off stage they said goodbye to mina and denki and started to head back to the dorms, they were walking in comfortable silence but sero had a question.

" do you wanna hang out in my room?" sero asked nervosly

"sure" izuku nodded

^a time skip brought to you by my lazy ass :p...  to when they were at sero's room^ 

once both teens made it to sero's room they made themselves comfortable, sero sat on his bed with his legs crossed and izuku sat at sero's computer chair.

it was silent for about 5 minuets, it was a fairly comfortable silence that nether wanted to break but they both knew that they had to talk, well they both liked each other but nether knew  where to start until izuku broke the silence.

"so..... you did really well when we sang together, you sang perfectly." izuku mentioned quietly while spinning on the computer chair slightly.

"really? thanks izu you did great too but i have a question about the song we sang, you know the first one?" sero said, a hint nervousness in his voice.


"ok well umm, in the first song i was like a love song right?, i-i mean- kinda? i just wanted to know if you had a crush on anyone" sero asked getting more and more nervous as he spoke.

  izuku shifted in his seat debating wither or not to tell him hat his crush was actually him, who was sat right infront of him. he decided to tell him and mentally prepared himself for rejection and to be abandoned  by one of his only friends. 

izuku took a deep breath before looking down at his lap

"actually.....um i do have a crush." he said fiddling with his fingers avoiding eye contact

sero perked up slightly "really who?"

"umm....actually it's y-you, like you a lot and um i didnt wanna say anything w-well cuz u-umm i've never had friends before and i didnt wanna r-ruin our friendship .and i totally get it if you dont wanna be my friend anymore cuz like you probably dont even like me umm-" izuku rambled,  just to be cut off by arms wrapping around him.

he didnt even realise he had some tears running down his face until a sob slipped through his lips. he hugged sero back as he sobbed quietly, after a few minuets he calmed down and sero pulled back and sat infront of him, izuku looked down at his lap while sero held one of his hands.

"izu?" sero asked softly, izuku didnt budge, 

"baby?" sero tried again, this time giving izuku a pet name to get his attention " i aren't going to leave you, i really like you too ok" sero said softly.

izuku looked up at sero, who smiled softly at him, izuku searched the others face for any signs of lies but there were none. "promise you wont leave?" he asked in a quiet voice. sero nodded. izuku held out one of his pinkies to him "promise?" sero cooed at his cuteness but linked his pinkies with his, "promise" sero said softly but firmly

 it was silent again before sero got the courage to speak again, " izu?" the boy in question turned to him.

" izuku aizawa, will you boyfriend? " sero asked nervously even though they had already confessed it was still nerve racking.

 izuku was quiet for a second before he tackled sero into a hug, izuku whispering a yes into his ear.

after all that they cuddle on sero's bed both happy with the outcome of the days advents

^author's note^

what do you think so far, i would love if people comment, 

i love reading comments,

anyways, bye bye (≧▽≦)

(989 words)

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