camp 1 (Part 8)

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izuku's pov:

i woke up to the sound of my alarm, signalling that it was time to get up,

with a groan i sat up and leaned over sero and turned my alarm off, i sat back up again and stretched, i looked down at sero who still asleep before i looked at the clock.

6:30 am

 i decided to let sero sleep for a little while longer while i get ready, i carefully climb over sero and headed to the bathroom to take a shower, while i let the water warm up i brushed my teeth, when im done i strip and hop into the shower, i wash my body then my hair a couple times before raping a towel around my waist and stepping out the shower.

i walk back into my room to see sero still asleep cuddling up under some blankets

' he looks so cute' 

i walk to my closet and get out one of sero's hoodies (witch is quite big on me) and some basket ball shorts once im done i go over to the bed and straddled sero's lap and shook him slightly but he didnt budge so i decided that i was going to try something, i slightly grind on him while leaning down and trail light kisses from his neck up to his lips, it didnt take long for him to wake up after that.

"izu what are you doing?" sero asked confused

"sorry hanta, you weren't waking up but it looks like you have a problem now," i giggle quietly he looked confused so i grinded on his hard on and he lets out a shocked gasp/moan, then he looked embarrassed

 "it's ok hanta ill help if you want, i did cause the problem" i say softly to ease his embarrassment

"you sure?" sero asked putting his hands on my hips

"yep im sure, we just wont go all the way" i said as i leant down to kiss him,

third pov:

izuku began to grind on sero again earning a groan from the both of them,

as izuku continued grinding there clothed cocks together sero trailed kisses all the way from izukus lips down to his neck and began leaving love bites all over izuku neck and shoulder.

"ngh~" izuku moaned when sero found his sweet spot

sero helped guide izukus his hips giving them both pleasure

after a couple more minuets they were both moaning/grunting in eachother ears as their orgasms began catching up to them.

"hanta~" izuku breathed out followed by a moan "i-im gunna, ~ngh~ c-cum"

"me too baby, l-lets cum together" sero said through his blissful groans

izuku grinded on sero for the last time before they both came in there pants 

"that was amazing" sero said after catching his breath, izuku hummed in agreement, a new wave of exhaustion washing over him as he lent forwards to lean on sero

"tired?" sero asked softly rubbing izuku's back

"mhm" izuku hummed in response

"ok i'll help you get cleaned up, you can just rest ok? i'll do all the work" sero informed before picking izuku up and making his way to the bathroom.

(help, i wrote slight smut(?), and its terrible im sorry, i will try and get better for future chapters when i right the full thing but i dont really like writing smut so just bare with me ok.)

^time skip to when they get to the bus^

third pov:

sero and izuku made it to the bus hand in hand to see aizawa looking like he just wants to sleep, (witch we all know that is exactly what he wants) mina and denki looked like they were about to rip someone's head off while lida was trying to get everyone on the bus but no one is listening because they want to sit wherever they wanted but lida being lida is trying to get them to sit where he is telling them to, izuku had enough and just wanted to get going so he stepped in.

"come on not this fucking crap again" everyone turned to him "like lida just shut up and everyone else just sit where you want like honestly we could all be on the bus and on the way to camp by now, your all hero's in training but if you can even sit in a fucking seat without arguing then how  are you going to get through a villain attack in an orderly fashion?" izuku continued, everyone was silent.

izuku sighed and pulled sero onto the bus. "thank you izuku" aizawa said tiredly and izuku nodded with a small smile, with his craft quirk he made flask with coffee in it and gave it to his dad before continuing his was to the back of the bus where he sat next to sero.

soon enough everyone was settled in there seats having light conversation with each other while sero, izuku, denki and mina sat at the back.

mina on her phone denki playing games on is phone. izuku was leaning on sero's shoulder as said boy read manga, still feeling tired from this morning and having to get up so early. so it didn't take long for izuku to fall asleep.

^time skip to when they got to that cliff thing^

after about 3 hours (i dont know how long it actually took and i dont remember much from cannon so im just making it up as i go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) of sitting in a bus the class of hero's finally came to a stop.

sero woke izuku up after almost everyone was off the bus and followed the rest of the class.  the class walked around the small area stretching there legs, thats when they realised that they were on the side of a cliff,

 just as they were about to ask they're sensei about it three girls popped up out of no where, and they looked like cats? 

"hey there kids, wear there wild wild pussycat's" she paused to look around at the class  "we own this whole stretch of land out here, everything you can see, the summer camp your staying at is there, at the base of the mountain." Mandalay said to the group. pointing out into the distance. 

"why did we stop all the way up hear instead?" uraraka asked slightly annoyed

"im afraid we both know the answer to that" stated tsuyu with a finger on her chin.

"that cant be right". satou said

"umm back on the bus, quick lets go" said a nervous kaminari

"the correct time is 10:30 in the morning, if your fast about it you might make it there by noon." said a mysterious mandalay.

"no way, guys" kirishima said sweat dropping 

everyone started scrabbling back to the bus. everyone except sero and izuku, izuku seemed unfazed by it and just stood next to his boyfriend holding his hand in silence.

"kitty's who aren't there by 12:30 wont get any lunch." mandalay exclaimed 

before anyone could make it to the bus they were stopped by aizawa, izuku on the other hand, just shrugged, let go off sero's hand, walked to the edge, climbed over the railing and jumped off, he did a bit of a tuck and roll so he didnt hurt himself but still landed on his feet. there were screams of protests from the students but he didnt care.

" i like him, come on kids he has the right idea." mandalay said excitedly

"good news, since this is privet land you can all use your quirks, you have three full hours you should be able to make it to the facility in that time, that is if you can make it through beast forest," mandalay explained once everyone was infront of the forest.

izuku was already in the forest fighting the dirt/rock monster things that pixie-bob made with sero, mina and denki in tow 

'this is gunna be a long 3 hours' everyone thought simultaneously.

^ha im done bitches, enjoy(┬┬﹏┬┬) ^

(1235 words)

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