camp 3 (Part 10)

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ok im going to do my best when writing training and fight scene's but im like really bad at it.


third pov:

class 2-A woke up early,

when i say early i mean 5:00am early.

so to say they were all tiered was an understatement.

right now though, all of class 2-a was training, and when i say that.

i mean.....

bakugo katsuki, had his hands is boiling hot water to expand his sweat glands, he kept his hands in the boiling water then he would pull them out to make continuous explosions.

Todoroki shoto, alternating between ice and fire, he's regulating  the temperature of the water. his body gets accustom to the cold and he works on controlling his flames. he was training to hopefully someday be able to use both at once.

hanta sero, continuously producing tape to increase compacity and and improve the tapes tensile strength and shooting speed.

kaminari denki, continuously using his quirk against a high voltage battery to help him handle larger amounts of electricity.

fumikage tokoyami, he was in a dark cave trying to control dark shadow even in the dark.

Tenya Ilda, hard core long distance running improves his leg strength and stamina.

tsuyu asui, she was working on all of the muscles in her body including her tongue

mina ashido, continuously making acid to increase her skins durability.

izuku aizawa, he had 4 quirks but he could only use two of them, the other ones he would have to get hurt to use. that being said he was practising making weapons with his green flame as well as controlling his green flame to do whatever he wanted/ go wherever he wanted. then he practiced making different objects with his craft quirk.

( ok so i hope this makes sense as i was watching the show as i wrote this to try and make it more accurate, obviously i changed some things/ didnt write the exact same info cuz its a fan fic, anyways back to the story)

*time skip to after training*

after a long day of training, the pussy cats told them that they had to make there own food,


so after some protests and groans, they finally got to work and began to cook there food.

Todoroki help everyone light the stoves with his fire, bakugo did give it ago but.....he just ended up exploding the whole thing.

after a while, both classes sat down and enjoyed there meal.

izuku who was sat with sero, mina and denki, heard mandalay call for kota and looked up just Intime to see said boy walking into the forest. curious, izuku got up telling sero that he would be back before following kota into the forest.

izuku made his way up the mountain to a cliff where he found kota sitting on the edge with hid legs hanging off.

"what are you doing up here all alone?" izuku asked quietly, sitting next to the boy

"wanted to be away from all the wannabe hero's" came kota's response

"if you dont mind me asking, why do you hate hero's so much?" izuku asked looking over at the boy

kota didnt reply just continued to look out into the distance.

izuku had talked to the pussy cats earlier on and found out why kota hates hero's, his parents died from trying to save some civilians kota was only 5 at the time and he was 7 now, so izuku didnt blame him for being a bit sour when it came to hero's, to kota he must feel like his parents abandoned him. izuku only asked to try and get the kid to open up.

"you know?" izuku started after a few minuets of silence " i was forced to be a villain before my adoptive dad found me and brought me in, my dad saved my life, he is my hero"

kota looked over "why were you forced to be a villain?"

izuku shrugged "i was quirkless and they wanted a toy to play with" izuku said in monotone

kota's eyes widened, izuku continued "i was tormented my whole life for being quirkless my childhood best friend bullied me on the daily even though before i came out as quirkless we agreed that we would be a hero duo, anyway i was kidnapped and experimented on, i had 4 quirks force on me and there was nothing i could do, i was trained to control my quirks to perfection, i wont go into details on anything, your only a kid." izuku finished looking out to starry night sky.

"why didnt you try to escape?" kota whispered

"oh trust me i did, i lost count after the 50th attempt, they always seemed to find me. plus even if i did escape i had no one and nowhere to go i would have been lost and alone, i've always had a fear of being alone so i rather stay with the villain then be alone, even though they could have killed me." izuku sighed

it was silent again for a while before kota moved closer to izuku as the wind picked up.

"im sorry you had to go through something traumatic kota but not all hero's are bad, and i know you think your parents abandoned you, but they didnt risk there life for fame, they risked there life to save another family so they could live a long happy life, i know that might not seem fair to you, but your parents are true hero's and i know that if you want you can be one too." izuku said as he wrapped an arm around kota's shoulder so he could lean on him, helping him keep warm.

kota didnt reply but did huddle closer to izuku and once again, it was silent.


kota ended up falling asleep leaning on izuku so izuku carried him all the way down the mountain back to the camp where he handed kota off to mandalay after explaining what had happed on the mountain.

mandalay gave izuku a pat on his shoulder with a smile and a thanks before wondering off to put kota to bed.

luckily by the time izuku had gotten back dinner was being cleared up so he help clean up before aizawa called them over.

(just quickly i dont think i mentioned this but everyone is sharing room with groups of two so sero and deku are sharing and kirishima and bakugo are sharing, you can make up the other if you want. and yes the rooms are soundproof ;)

"tomorrow we will be getting up at the same time at this morning for training make sure you dont stay up late and get some sleep, now i will see you all in the morning, izuku a word please" aizawa informed.

everyone scurried off to there rooms while izuku made is way to his dad.

"how was today?" aizawa asked

"it was fun" izuku answered avoiding eyes contact

"izuku" aizawa said, sensing something off about izuku.

" was jus-... just different you know? like, we were training really hard today but it felt so abnormal cuz i wasn't getting shouted at if i slipped up or having to d-dodge knifes that come my way as a training cause, i-it was just" izuku sight deeply "strange" he finished looking down.

aizawa took a small stride forward and embraced his kid, aizawa didnt like that his kid thought abuse was normal, it broke his heart.

"it's only been a few months izuku, it will take time for my normal to be your normal ok?" aizawa sighed and let izuku go" why dont you go to your cabin with sero, maybe you can do something with him for a stress reliver" aizawa said with a teasing grin.

izuku flushes red "dad" he whines

aizawa chuckles "go on the rooms are soundproof, have some fun kid, m'not judging" aizawa said in a more soft and sincere tone.

izuku smiled "thanks dad" 

with that he made his way to his cabin to find sero.

-i hope you enjoy this one i really liked this one,

there will be smut and fluff in the next one _

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