"I'm proud of you. The both of you"

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Nick's POV:

I'm woke up to the sound of crying, which isn't great.

I flip onto my side and look at my beautiful boyfriend of 8 years, sleeping peacefully beside me.

I decide to get up and out of bed, leaving Charlie to sleep while I deal with our crying son.

I walk into Oscar's room and see him sitting on the floor playing with his toys, crying.

"What's wrong, wee man?" I ask and crouch down in front of him.
"I hurt m-my hand!" He cries and holds out his hand.
"Oh, baby...you'll be ok!" I take his and in mine and give it a small kiss, he giggles.

Our little boy is already 6 years old...
How has that happened already?

"We don't want to wake up your sister now, do we?" I say, more of a statement than a question.

He nods his head, smiling so happily it makes me want to cry.

I wipe his tears away with my finger before picking him up with one arm and carrying him downstairs and into the kitchen.

"What'd you fancy for breakfast?" I ask, sitting him on the table to watch.
"Coco Pops!" He squeals excitedly, throwing his hands in the air.
"Coco Pops it is then." I laugh and kiss his head before preparing his breakfast.


It's half past 10 and Charlie's just walked downstairs, carrying our 2 year old daughter with him.

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