The wedding

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Time skip-Day of the wedding!!

Charlie's POV:

I wake up to the sound of Tao clapping his hands in my ear.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead! Today's the big day!" He throws the curtains open.

I groan and chuck a pillow at him.

"5 more minutes!"
"Absolutely not! You're getting married today, Charlie!"

I roll out of bed, still half asleep, and start my morning routine.


It's half 8 and me, Tao, Aled, Tara and Tori are sitting on the hotel couch we got yesterday, thanks to Tao.

"So, you excited?" Tori asks.
"Excited!? I could die from how nervous I am!"

Aled, who hasn't said anything for a while, tells me I'll be fine and that being nervous is normal, which helps because it's from Aled.

"Charlie, you'll be fine." Tori sighs.

Our mum isn't coming today, which doesn't affect me. Our dad is coming today, but that's it. No grandparents, no mum, no nothing. Not even uncles, aunties, cousins, no one.

"Who's coming from Nick's family?" Tao asks.
"Sarah, David and..."
"Just they two?"
"His cousins are coming."
"So, why are you and Tori's not?"

I just shrug and Tori groans.

"What?" I ask.
"Michael's just texted me."
"Saying what?"
"Esther can't get Frankie because of her mum."

Esther, our only cousin we were going to invite, offered to look after Frankie while we get ready, but she can't now.

"Damn it! Can anyone else look after her?"
"My only other thought is Dad."
"You know what she's like with Dad."
"I know."

Great fun already.

She starts typing back.

"Right, I'm off to go get Frankie. She's not even dressed yet."

She leave the room and everyone gives me a look, I shrug my shoulders in reply.


Frankie's dressed, Tori's dressed, Tara's dressed, Tao's dressed, Aled's dressed and so am I.

I am genuinely really scared!

I'm sitting on a chair while Tara does my unnecessary makeup, not much, but still unnecessary.

"Got your vows?" Aled asks.

I wave them in my hand.




"You ready?" Ollie asks, taking my arm.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

He pushes the door open and my heart stops.

Nick's wearing this beautiful, navy suit with a white shirt and black tie, his hair is free and he's got vans on, which makes me laugh inside.

My suit isn't as nice as his, if im honest. It's yellow, not bright yellow, but yellow suit with a white shirt and black tie, black Converse to match. My hair is in loose curls, which I know is Nick's favourite.

Lily, our flower girl, is walking beside Darcy, who is me and Nick's something blue.

Tao is standing at the isle with Aled, Tara and Tori while Oscar, Sai, Sahar and Elle stand with Nick.

It's so hard not to cry when I notice dad sitting in the crowd, looking at me and Ollie.

We get to Nick and then it begins.


It's time for vows and Nick's going first.

Nick looks at me, tears daring to escape his eyes as he looks down at the paper in his hands.

"Charlie, I have known you since I was 16, but it feels like I've known you my whole life. When I first walked into that form room, I had fake friends and thought caring was useless. But, when you walked into that room and looked me in the eyes, I discovered something, something called love. Now, 15 years later, we're married with two children who I love deeply. 15 years of dating, 15 years of loving, 15 years of caring, 15 years of happiness, 15 years of pain, 15 years of comfort, 15 years of us. Today, right now, I am even more inlove with you than I have ever been, if that's possible." He's crying now. "Charles Francis Spring, thank you for being in my life and thank you for staying with me even through our struggles."

We're both crying now.

"Can I just start off by saying thank you to my lovely mother-in-law, Sarah, for bringing this boy into the world, because I seriously don't know what I would do without him." I look at Sarah and she's crying. "Nick, I know your favourite colour, your middle name, your birthday, your favourite type of dog, shout out to Nellie and Henry who sadly are sitting outside, I also know you love me. You loving me was something I thought was impossible, but standing here in front of you, at our wedding, proves 14 year old me wrong. When I walked into our form room, I had no idea that I would meet my soulmate, my lover, my future husband. Before I met you, I was lonely and thought hiding from everyone was best, but now I know  how unhealthy and painful that is. Nicholas Luke Nelson, thank you for being with me through thick and thin, the bad days and good days, the long distance struggles, but also just being yourself with me. Thank you for making me believe I'm capable of being loved."

We are now both a crying mess, but still smiling. Everyone behind us is also in tears, which just makes this even more real.

I zone out, but when Nick steps forward, I know he wants to kiss.

I step forward and when he pulls me in by the waist and grabs my face, it feels like my life has just changed entirely.

The applause from behind us drowns out the crying from both me and Nick, keeping us in our own thoughts.

He pulls me into another kiss. It's soft and passionate and it makes me feel safe.

We pull away and lean our foreheads together, everything around us has gone to a blur.

God, the tears I've shed throughout the years with Nick...I love him so much it actually hurts.

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