I'll never stop liking this boy.

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Charlie's POV:

It's Tuesday morning, 7:30am, and I can't get out of bed.

"Char, you ok?" Nick asks from the door.
"I can't get up."
"How come?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"I'll get the kids ready and then we'll see how you are, yeah?"
"I love you."
"Love you too."

Nick's POV:

I think yesterday was a bit too much for Charlie, but that's ok, because I'm here.

"Lily! Time to get up." I knock on her door.

No answer.

"Lily! Sweetheart! Get up for school!"

Still no answer.

"Lily Nelson! If you don't hurry up, I'm taking the Nintendo away!"

I hear her rush about inside.

"SORRY DADDY! Daisy kept licking my mouth! Ew!!"
"It's ok, baby! Don't let that happen again."
"Ok, Daddy!"

I walk past Oscar's room and hear laughing.

"Come on, dude! We need to get breakfast and go!"
"Sorry, Dad! One second!"

Who knows what they're doing in there.

Oscar's POV:

Me and Will kissed last night!!


I asked him what that meant for us, but before I could say anything, HE ASKED ME TO BE HIS BOYFRIEND!!


"Oscar!! Your dad will kill us!" Will laughs, throwing my phone on my bed.

I've decided that I'm going to prank Dad in one of the most horrible ways.

"Oscar!! I swear to god-"

"BOYS, HURRY UP, PLEASE!!" Dad yells.

There's a knock on the door.

"Come in?"

Lily walks in the door.

"Hey, Lil! What's up?"
"Papa is sleeping again."


"That's ok, Lil! You go downstairs and we'll only be a minute! Tell Dad!"
"Ok!! Love you!!"
"Love you too, Lils."

She skips out the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

"We should get ready." I say and go into my cupboard.
"I don't have uniform."
"Borrow mine?"
"Ok? I'll try."


Me and Will thank Dad for dropping us off before running into school.

"Is Mr. Farouk still teaching us?" I ask as we order lunch.
"I think so? I don't know."

Me and Will walk over to our desk with a smile on our faces.

"Will..." I mumble.
"I really like you..." I whisper.
"I really like you." He whispers back.

I really like him.

"Are we boyfriends? I didn't know if-" I whisper, but stop after Will puts his finger over my mouth.
"If you want to be."
"I do."
"So do I."


Me and Will carry on with our morning. Flirting, joking, talking, everything "friends" would do.

At break, we talked about us and if we want people to know.

We both said no.

I told him I don't fully know myself yet, and he said he'd be here to support me the whole way, which I appreciate.

Family | A Nick & Charlie short story |Where stories live. Discover now