A difficult week.

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Lily's POV:

Dad came home this morning! I really cared last night because I thought he wouldn't come back, but he did!

Oscar's POV:

Dad came home this morning after freaking out after I told him about...you know. I know he didn't mean it like that, but I know that when Pap used to do it, it really effected Dad. I think he just got really upset, not because of me, because of himself.

Charlie's POV:

Nick came home this morning! It was really emotional.

We talked about his reaction and why he was so upset. Turns out, he thought it was because of him.

Apparently, he wasn't a good enough Dad and that it was his fault Oscar felt like that. But in reality, he was struggling with life in general, so it wasn't anyone's fault.


I hear a "Ooo!" from Oscar before Lily comes trotting downstairs.

"What have I done?" She asks.
"Plate, Love." Nick interrupts.
"Sorry, Pap! Sorry, Dad!"
"It's ok, Darling. Try remember next time."

She puts her plate in the sink before running upstairs.

"Er- Dad! Pap! Can Ellie come round?" She asks, hanging from the bannister.
"Yeah! What time?"
"Ok! Just make sure you don't annoy Oscar and Will. Please."


Ellie came round a while ago and so far, they've been quiet.

"Should I go check on them?" Nick asks.
"Sure. Can we talk after?"

Lily's POV:

Me and Ellie are watching Young Royals when someone knocks on the door.

"Come in!"

Dad walks in.

"It's almost lunch. If you want anything, just come down and say."
"Ok, Dad! We'll be down in a bit. We're watching Young Royals!"
"Who let you watch a 15 rated series!?"

He shuts the door before yelling at Pap.

"Oh my god!" I laugh.
"Young Royals is AMAZING!!"
"My Pap is OBSESSED with it! We always watch it together."
"Cute! We should have, like, a movie marathon some time!"

Nick's POV:

I walk downstairs and confront Charlie.

"Did you allow our 10 year old to watch Young Royals!?"

He smirks.

"Maybe I did." He teases.
"You little-"

I rugby tackle him to the couch, annoying him and messing up his hair.

I roll him onto his back so I'm on top of him.

"You're so-"

He pulls me down for a kiss, taking me by surprise, but I don't pull away.

We carry on for a while before I drag him upstairs and into our room, locking the door.

You can see where this is going.


Me and Charlie talked about my reaction to Oscar and why I was like that. So, I told him everything.

I told him about my worries, my anxiety acting up again, thoughts coming back into my head that I don't need right now, texts from Harry I've been getting, everything.

I didn't want to tell Charlie about it. I really didn't. But I had to if I wanted to prove that I care for this family. Charlie reacted fine to what I was saying, comforting me when I needed it, hugging me, reassuring me that it's ok. He's amazing.

Charlie's POV:

I didn't know Nick's anxiety was acting up again. Yes, I noticed a few finger pickings and knee bobbing, but I never thought it was his anxiety.

Nick's suffered with severe anxiety for ages. The kindest person in the world gets anxious about everything, which is never good. It started when he was 18. He kept stressing about university, not letting me and Sarah help him, not telling us about his worries, he just never told us. Sarah was devastated when she found out he'd been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Me on the other hand, I'd seen it coming. I've got anxiety, extreme anxiety.


"Nick, calm down!" I beg.

He just continues pacing.

"Nicky, Darling, please!" Sarah cries.

It's hard not to cry.

"Nick, I know this is a shock, but you need to stop pacing. You'll get dizzy."

He stops, tears flowing from his eyes.

"Want to sleep?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

He nods.

(End of flashback!!)

I don't know how to help him. No one does, and no one can.

"Sorry." Nick mumbles
"Why are you sorry, Sweetheart?"
"I'm being dramatic."
"Don't say that."
"You're not denying it."
"You're not dramatic, Nicholas."
"Trust me."
"Because I love you."
"You love me?" He teases.
"Shut up."

I pull him into a hug and we just sit there in each other's arms, the safety of our house surrounding us.

It's been a difficult week.

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