Lily birthday party and a little romance!!

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Oscar's POV:

As soon as I get in, I go upstairs to get changed and to call Will.

"Oscar! Have you asked anyone to come over?" Dad shouts up from the kitchen.
"Yeah! William can come round!"
"Ok, son!"

My phone starts ringing

Will 🫶

I answer the call.





"You ok?"

"I was just wondering what time to come round!"

"Come round whenever! I think all Lily's friends are coming round at 15:45 so you can come round soon if you want!"

"Would 15:30 work?"


"Ok! Bye!"


I hang up and start to get changed.

I take off my shirt and before I can choose a new one, there's a knock on my door.

"Oz, it's just me!" Pap's voice is all muffled because of the closed door.
"One second!"

I grab a pear of black jeans that are way too big for me, a blue t-shirt with white striped sleeves.

I quickly take my school trousers off and throw on my jeans, along with my t-shirt.

"Come in!" I yell back.

Pap opens the door and walks in.

"You all ready?"
"When's Will getting here?"
"Ok! Can you come downstairs? Lily's begging for you."
"Yeah! Sure!"
"Come on, then!"

I grab my phone and run downstairs with Pap.

"Hey, champ! You alright?" Dad asks as I walk into the living room.
"Yeah! Just waiting for Will to get here."

I almost fall backwards as Lily runs and hugs my waist at full force.

"Ozzy!!" She squeaks.
"Hey, Lils."

The doorbell goes off and I run towards the door at full speed.

I open the door and just like I'd guessed, it's Will.

"Hey!" I say, pulling him into a hug.

I welcome him in and bring him intot he living room.

"Dads, Lils. This is William."
"Erm- please call me "Will"." He stutters.

Dad smiles at us.

"Nice to finally meet you! Oscar talks about you non-stop!" Dad says, embarrassing me.
"Ignore him! But, hi! Please don't feel awkward to ask Oscar or us for anything."

The doorbell goes again, but this time, it's Lily's best friend, Ellie.

I quickly grab Will's hand and drag him upstairs.

"BYE, LIL! WE'LL COME DOWN LATER! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yell, dragging Will into my room.

He freezes at the doorframe.

"God, I've only ever seen your room on call! This is so cool!" He looks around, grinning at everything he sees.

I sit on my bed and watch him as he looks around my room.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask, checking my phone.
"Mario Kart?"
"GOD, YES!!"

We set up Mario Kart and I give Will his controller.

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