Paris Squad/Wedding Meetup (part 2)

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Short one, soz!!

Nick's POV:

Today's been an emotional roller coaster, I'll tell you that.

Me and Tara are talking about the old wedding rhyme.

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

At Tara and Darcy's wedding, Charlie was Tara's something blue, so I thought I'd return the favour, but for Darcy.

Darcy Olsson has been my best friend since the day we met at the concert rehearsal. Ever since, we've been, let's say, inseparable.

"Do you have the box?" Tara asks, excited for me to ask Darcy to be my something blue.
"It's in my room."
"Go get it, loser!"

I roll my eyes and make my way upstairs.

There's giggling in Oscar's room, which makes me curious.

As I'm walking by Lily's room, I realise it was her giggling in Oscar's room.

I go into me and Charlie's room and grab the box from under the bed.


"Ask them!" Tara whisper yells.

Everyone's in the living room right now, so I'll ask Darcy in the kitchen?

"I'm nervous." I look towards her. She's dancing with Elle and Amy-Lee.
"Why?" Charlie creeps up behind me.
"I'm gonna ask Darcy to be our something blue."
"Yeah, is that ok?"
"Obviously." He kisses my cheek.

Darcy notices me staring and walks towards us.

"You ok?" They ask.
"Darcy, can we talk?"
"In the kitchen?"

Charlie and Tara give me a thumbs up as we walk towards the kitchen.

"Has something happened?" She worries.
"No, but I wanted to give you something."

I give her the box and she asks me what it is. I tell her to open it.

The box unfolds repeatedly, pictures of our favourite memories showing on the sides. She starts to tear up as she reads the inside note, asking if she'll be my something blue.

"Of course I will, you stupid boy!" She wraps me in a hug.

I look to the side and see Charlie and Tara laughing, Tara taking a photo of us hugging.


It's 5pm and we're all eating dinner, when I get a notification on my phone, same with Darcy's.

I open Instagram and see Tara and Charlie have posted the photo from earlier.

We all give each other a look, holding back laughter.


Charlie's POV:

Everyone's gone home now, except from Tori, Michael, Ollie and Frankie.

"Hey, Frankie!" I carry her in my arms.
"Uncie!" (Uncle) She giggles.
"Almost there." I laugh.

I look at Nick and he's got Oliver hugging him, clearly taking him by surprise. He hugs back after giving me a smile.

"You don't mind us staying?" Tori asks.
"Obviously not! You live, like, an hour away!" I reassure her.

She watches Frankie for. A minute before staying, "She's never like this with people."
"Im her uncle."
"Yeah, but she's never like that with Dad."
"We were never like that with Dad."
"I'm just good with kids, I think."

Frankie clearly agrees because she startes to giggle and wave her arms in my face, taking a hold of one of my loose curls.

"Mesmerising, isn't it?" Nick walks up behind us.

Tori chuckles.

"What?" Me and Nick ask in sync, making Tori laugh even more.
"You really haven't changed much."

Really, we haven't changed at all.

"Is Frankie here?" Lily runs down after hearing her giggles.

I turn around and Lily's face lights up.

"Frankie!" She runs over.

Lily's got an adorable fascination with Frankie. No one knows when it started, but any time Tori is over, Lily always asks if Frankie's there and, if she is, she'll be whipped away and cuddled with for at least an hour.

"Be careful." I warn her.
"Charles, she'll be fine." Tori laughs.

I  put Frankie down on the floor, letting her walk with Lily.

"Where's Oscar?" Ollie asks.

It's funny how they get along so well.

Today wasn't so bad.

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