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Nova Solana Carter

We had just landed in Chicago around 10 minutes ago and we are now walking to the Uber spot. It's around 11:30 and the reunion starts at 3 so we have some time to check in to our hotel and relax before heading out. I didn't plan on being on time anyways.

I am a little nervous for Ramirah to meet my family, they haven't met anybody since my ex and that ain't go too good. Not for any particular reason, the vibes were just off as hell. So for that reason I never brought anybody else around.

Some of my friends from out here hit me up last night saying that I should pop up at they section tonight so I'll ask Ramirah to see what she thinking because I know she get awkward around new groups of people. Also she's meeting my whole family so I don't wanna overwhelm her.

"Did you call the Uber, I need a nap.." Ramirah spoke taking me out of my thoughts.

I looked down at my phone and confirmed that the Uber was 3 minutes away. I nodded "Yeah baby, it's 3 minutes away" Our flight wasn't super early it was a 8AM flight but Ramirah was up all night gossiping with Nina about some shit I tuned out.

On time our Uber pulled out and loaded our bags in the trunk. The ride to the hotel was silent and it wasn't extremely long.

Once we got settled in the hotel, I was sitting on the couch and Ramirah was in the bathroom undressing. Me being no better than a man, I went in the bathroom to join her in the shower.I climbed in the shower behind her closing the glass shower door after me.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and placed a singular kiss in the crook of her neck.

"I love you" I announced and she turned to face me.

"I love you" she kissed my lips and returned to washing her self and I just watched in admiration of the woman— my woman in front of me.

"Solana why you staring at me?" She spoke with her back turned to me, I'm not even sure how she knew I was staring.

"Because you so fucking beautiful mama, like fuck" I kissed her shoulder.

"papaaa, stop. I'm sleepy and I wanna take a good nap before I have to socialize" she whined wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Okay cry baby, hand me my soap"

"Don't be nervous my mama gonna love you" I told Ramirah as we approached the venue.

"And the rest of your family?" She looked at me.

"Fuck them, I'm only worried about my mama and my granny"I told her and she rolled her eyes.

We finally made it inside the venue and my mama was standing at the front talking to one of my aunts. The woman damn near passed out when she seen me. She quickly engulfed me into her arms and rocked side to side. 

"OH MY GOSH,MY BABY IS HERE!" she yelled, smiling hard as hell.

"Yes mama, I'm here. I missed you too" I laughed. "Mama this my girlfriend, Ramirah." I introduced her.

My mama quickly hugged Ramirah and Ramirah laughed slightly

"I'm Katrina, but everybody calls me Mama K or Mama" my mom introduced herself and Ramirah nodded.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am" Ramirah spoke and my mom smiled.

"Likewise baby, I have been dying to meet the young lady who has my baby going crazy all the time. You are so pretty, much prettier than the last" she whispered to Ramirah and they both laughed.

"Alright now ma' don't do too much." I interjected and they both glared at me.

"Take her around to see your dad, and get y'all some food before everybody eat it all" My mom pushed us towards the crowded venue.

There was hella people here, and I only recognized maybe 10-15 people— wait a damn minute.

"I know that ain't my favorite cousin! I KNOW THAT AIN'T LIL NOVA!" My cousin Tre yelled from across the room.

"Lil?? BIG NOVA" I corrected pulling him into a long "brotherly" hug. We hadn't seen eachother in about 2 years so it was definitely nice to see him.

"How's my lil niece-cousin" I asked him and he smiled wide

"She good man, she just turned one. She over there with granny. You gotta meet her, her name Leilani"he said and I nodded.

I realized Ramirah wasn't by my side any more so I pulled out my phone to text her, she said she was with my mom and granny.

I shook my head at the thought, no clue what my mama telling her about me..probably something embarrassing

I scanned the room until I saw her holding a baby, I assume is Tre daughter.

"You gotta meet my girl, matter fact we going out tonight with Reese and nem you should slide" I told him and he had a shocked expression.

"You brought yo girl? Ahh shit, this nigga in love. Where she at?" He pushed my shoulder playfully and I pointed to where she was.

"NEPHEW THATS YOU??" he shouted playfully.

"Man gone on. Yes that's me nigga" I laughed at his reaction to her. Yeah, I know my woman is THAT.

I made my way over to my mama, granny and Ramirah. They were standing near a booth and Ramirah had the baby on her hip, if I could put a baby in her I would.

I leaned over and gave Ramirah a kiss on the forehead and sat in a chair next to them.

"Don't come over here trying to get in our business" my granny said making the other 2 agree.

I held my hand over my heart and pretended to be offended.

"Girl please." My mama laughed and they continued conversing. I scrolled on my phone until I felt a baby being placed in my arms.

"Here's TT Nova" Ramirah said placing Leilani on my lap.

She started to walk away but I grabbed her hand and pulled her down to my level.

"You look so good holding a baby, your ass so lucky I can't get you pregnant" I told her and she just laughed and walked away.

"Give me this baby" My granny took a sleeping Leilani off my lap

Moments later Ramirah returned with 2 plates.

She put my plate on the table in front of me and slid in the booth next to me.

"I know you didn't have this girl make your plate" my mama said sitting across from us.

"I did not mama, she always make my food for me" I lowkey pouted. If my woman wanna cater to me we need to let her.

"You better not be making her do nothing like that Nova"  she said sternly.

"Solana doesn't make me, I promise" Ramirah laughed and my mom nodded.

"Thank you baby" I said and kissed her cheek.

"Solana huhh? I thought you ain't let nobody call you that" My mom said teasingly.

"I don't. Just my woman"

"Okay, period. Is that what y'all be saying?" My mama snapped causing us to laugh.

"Mama please stop"

"Anyways, I'm excited for the wedding and grab babies! Like my daughter in law is going to be a nurse!" My mama exclaimed happily, leading me to the conclusion that they had a deep conversation about Ramirah's plans and shit.

"I'm trying to expedite the process mama for real" I said glancing at Ramirah and she just blushed.

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