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Nova Solana Carter

We had left the reunion about 2 hours ago and we were now at the hotel about to head out to the club with my people from back home.

I can't even lie and say I'm not geeked as hell right now. My mama and granny love Ramirah and that made me happy as hell.

They all was talking all night which was so refreshing to see and definitely eased a lot of my nerves.

"Mama you almost ready?" I asked her placing a kiss on her neck while she was sitting at the desk on the room doing her makeup, she nodded.

"Yes give me 5 more minutes." She answered then continued to tell Nina about the family reunion.

In about 5 minutes she was actually ready which was shocking. She was fully dressed and ready looking beautiful as ever, and I was ready to stay here and take all these clothes off her.

"Damn baby, you look so good" I grabbed her hand and twirled her around making her blush.

"Papaaa stooppp. Thank you. You look good too" she complimented me.

We arrived at the club and I called my homeboy Reese to let him know we had arrived so he told us to come upstairs to vip with everyone else.

I held Ramirah close as we were maneuvering through the crowd because I didn't want anyone to grab her and I know she has bad social anxiety around this many randoms sober.

Once we reached them it's like a wave of nostalgia came over me as I hadn't seen my friends in over 5 years. We immediately hugged and shook hands. Everybody desperate to catch up and make up for lost time.

"Y'all, this my girl Ramirah, baby these my friends" I introduced them not being too specific because there were a few unfamiliar faces in the section as well as one that I would rather not even speak on.

"Wassup, I'm Reese, that's Ty, that's Shay, that's, Mikey, that's Amber, that's Paris and that's Keya" he pointed out causing her to nod and wave.

I pulled her into a seat next to Reese and sat her on my lap and she grabbed the drink menu quickly.

Sensing her nerves I rubbed her back as I engaged in conversation with the rest of the group but she remained quiet.

The waitress eventually came back and she ordered a lemon drop and a hookah then busied herself on her phone. Ima assume she texting Nina.

"So man what you been up to? Damn I feel like it's been forever since we talked." Ty asked me and I laughed and nodded.

"Honestly, shit just chilling. School, clothing line making money, with my woman. Nothing too crazy. Y'all gotta come down for sure" I told him  and he shook his head and everyone nodded.

"Hell yea we do, I'm tryna get me a baconeggncheese" Mikey said causing the the group to laugh.

"You alright mama?" I asked whispering in Ramirah ear and she nodded smoking her hookah.

"Enough of this calm shit, I hope y'all ready to get fuck up because we got 3 bottles coming out in a few" Amber yelled towards everybody.

"Ah hell nah" Reese smacked his lips and I laughed. Yeah they definitely bugging.

And on cue the bottle girls bought out 3 bottles of Don Repo with the lights with some chasers.

And the group began a wild drunk night.

"On some real shit I never thought you'd come back Solana" Keya said making Ramirah snap her head on her direction.

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