Chapter Twenty Five

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Murtasim sat on the edge of the bed with his back propped against the headboard. The room was bathed in the gentle morning light that filtered through the curtains. His fingers moved mechanically across the screen of his phone, scrolling through various forums and articles, seeking answers to the worries that clouded his mind.

With each passing moment, his expression would shift from worry to anxiousness, his brows furrowing, and lines of concern etching themselves deeper into his forehead. He couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that lingered since Meerab's unsettling bout of nausea earlier that morning.

Beside him, Meerab lay peacefully, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm of sleep. But her recent distress weighed heavily on Murtasim's mind. He couldn't fathom why she was experiencing such severe nausea in her second trimester. It troubled him deeply, especially when she had reacted defensively to his concerns.

As Murtasim continued to scroll through his phone, seeking reassurance and understanding, he felt Meerab's hand gently rest on his knee. He glanced down to see her soft lips curled into a pout, a silent plea for comfort and understanding.

Knowing that Meerab wasn't in a deep slumber, Murtasim gently set his phone aside, his attention fully on her now. Despite his own worries, he wanted nothing more than for her to find peace and rest.

The shock of discovering that nausea could persist until delivery startled him. However, the supportive comments from other women helped ease his fears slightly. Still, the thought of Meerab enduring such discomfort for several more months weighed heavily on his heart.

With a tender smile, Murtasim reached out to gently stroke Meerab's hair, silently reassuring her of his presence and support. Together, they would navigate this journey, no matter the challenges they faced.

Murtasim's heart ached as he gazed at Meerab, her peaceful expression masking the struggles she endured. With a tender sigh, he shifted closer to her, his hand instinctively reaching out to gently rest on her stomach that had started to take the shape of tiny bump, a cute bump as Murtasim loved to call it. He longed to feel the presence of their child, a tangible reassurance amidst the uncertainty and discomfort of Meerab's pregnancy.

As his fingers brushed against her soft skin, he couldn't shake the worry that consumed him. The thought of Meerab enduring months of relentless nausea weighed heavily on his mind. She was not the one to complain. Murtasim could not recall even a single moment where she had complained feeling lethargic or not feeling herself through out these months. Despite her stoic demeanor, he knew the toll it took on her, both physically and emotionally.

Just yesterday, Mariyam and Meerab had decided to go the salon. He remembered how excited Meerab had been to spend a day at the salon with Mariyam, a rare opportunity for her to indulge in self-care amidst the demands of pregnancy. But suddenly she felt so lethargic that she had to change her mind at the last minute. Maa Begum and others hovered around her through out the day. Meerab's disappointment was palpable. The fatigue that followed, evident in her weary eyes and sluggish movements, only served to deepen Murtasim's concern.

He couldn't bear to see her suffer silently, sacrificing her own well-being for the sake of their growing family. With a gentle caress, he whispered words of love and reassurance, silently promising to support her through every trial and tribulation.

Murtasim's heart swelled with joy once more at the thought of becoming a father to a precious little girl. Imagining her in his arms, cooing and babbling in her own adorable language, filled him with a warmth that spread from his chest to every corner of his being.

He could already picture her tiny fingers wrapped around his own, her laughter filling their home with pure happiness.

As he gently placed his hand on Meerab's growing stomach, he felt a sense of awe wash over him. There, beneath his touch, their daughter lay nestled safely in her mother's womb, a living testament to their love and the miracle of life.

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