Chapter 8: Outwit

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-Bigby's POV-

"Bigby? Why the hell are you staring at that pipe for who knows how long?" Crispin interfered at my thoughts as he curiously looked at me when I continuously tapped the bloody pipe hard in my palm. I was trying to figure out what happened exactly in the car.

"Shut the fuck up, will you? And what happened to the sir or sheriff!" I bellowed, causing him to regret the previous question. With all these happenings, I have no impatience left to grip myself.

Truth be told, I would prefer endless paperwork than being in this maze and witnessing Snow battling through life and death.

"Sorry...sheriff", He apologized as his voice stuttered, making his way back inside the store. I wouldn't like anyone trying to snoop around my private investigations and also produce unimportant distractions. I need the time to find it all out quickly as the one who is responsible for these might strike once again, in a blink of an eye.

The windows are all in good shape, the back seat is all clean, surprisingly. I pulled the cover back to its original state as the sun brought daylight to the streets that it left no place for the darkness to crawl in. I walked to the opposite side of the car to find any trails of blood for where Ichabod Crane was possibly taken to but there was nothing on the road but dirt.

I smirked,"You're not smart enough." I ran back inside the apartments and pressed the button for the slow elevator. In a few minutes to what seemed like an hour, the metal doors opened in front of me as I hurriedly walked in and pressed for the level. As soon as the doors opened, I wasted no time walking to my right and reached in front of the white double doors.

Room 1903, Ichabod Crane's apartment.

I gripped the golden handle and twisted it down but to no avail, it did not budge.

"Open the fucking door!" I screamed through my throat that my voice sounded rough like two sandpapers being rubbed at each other. Out of the blue, I heard shuffling footsteps getting closer at the other side of the door.

"Crane, open the door! I know you're in there." With that, the door swung open but not the person I am looking for.

"Sheriff, I was just cleaning up his apartment since he ordered me to do so." Flycatcher spoke as he continued to mop the white tiles.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Crane's not in charge of this place anymore since the Crooked Man kidnapped that idiot." I spoke as I made myself inside the apartment which he never deserved to have after making the government suffer from corruption because of him, falling for his own needs and whatsoever that would benefit him. He's also the reason why fables force themselves to get an undesirable job just to make ends meet when he kept all the money for himself.

"I know that. I thought that it won't be of any trouble since he paid me a good amount of money just to clean his place, I need it." Flycatcher stopped what he is doing and looked at me with sincerity. "By the way, why are you holding that bloody thing?"

"Nothing. I'm the one who is going to ask the questions. First, you didn't clean up anything odd, maybe?" I inquired as I headed in the living room, all spic and span. I continued to look around, searching for anything that will match what I'm thinking of.

"No, sheriff. It's all just dust and empty bottles." He shrugged his shoulders as he continued mopping the floor.

"I almost forgot, why did you lock the door?" I asked as I begun to be suspicious. If he's only going to clean his place, why would he need to lock it?

"One of his orders. Please don't tell him I let you in, I mean I let you do your job so know?" Flycatcher pleaded as he gripped the stick of the mop tight, hoping that I would agree. I looked at him with a surprised look.

"You're telling me you're fucking scared of him? Don't you hear what I said? You're working for us, that's it." My voice is stern that he nodded his head to oblige. I dropped the pipe at the floor and walked over to the sculpture of his head as I picked it up, and smashed it hard at the ground. The figurine broke to tiny pieces that it scattered all over the floor. That's what needs to be done to his head. Flycatcher shook as he turned to look at me.

"You don't even need to clean up his place, it's better like this." I walked back to the living room and looked at the desk. How can he even keep a little statue of the headless horseman without him shaking his lanky body.

Averting my eyes, I looked at the numerous papers scattered at his desk. Bills, bills and oh, what's this? Ticket to Paris? I looked over the printed ticket as it shown the date of his departure. Hm, planning to go there next week? You're not going to escape from me now asshole as I kept the ticket inside my pocket.

Looking around for more useful information, I searched until I picked out a strange one. It's a flyer for a water heater installation and at the back, there is a paper stapled behind. I turned it over and looked at the receipt. It was just bought recently.

"Do you know anything about this water heater thing?" I asked as I turned behind to Flycatcher.

"Yeah, he just bought it last night and asked me to install it." He stated as I went towards the door of the bathroom and opened it.

He was right, I looked over to the pipes and saw a missing one. Gotcha. I hurriedly went back to the living room and grabbed the bloody pipe. I walked back inside the bathroom and lifted the pipe, connecting it.

"That's weird, I fixed it neatly while he's busy talking to Prince Charming about something." Flycatcher spoke that made me smirk over the remark.

No one ever beats me by being cunning.

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