Chapter 22: New Life

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-Snow's POV-

Bigby walked through the numerous streets, the serene silence permeating New York City.

I am still in his arms and I wonder how long this gonna go on. I'm still downcast at the fact that I can't walk like the way I used to before. Maybe, it's somehow better than being dead.

I looked at him and he seemed to be ruminating about something, too. I wonder if he is already tired of carrying me, I've always been independent, but in my current situation, it's clear that I can't be anymore.

"Bigby?" I called, his brown eyes pierced mine.

"Yes, Snow?" He replied, his voice is gruff and deep. I loved how my name sounded when he says it.

"Are you tired?" I asked, concerned about his state. He had already been in countless fights and he barely gets enough sleep. I don't know how he still can carry me despite being worn out.

In all honesty, I feel like I am a burden and I am going to be in the future.

"No, I'm not." He said flatly, "By the way, Brandish told me that you are his wife and the odd part is, he mentioned that we are united in a wedlock."

The remark made me remember the moment I was held captive, when I lied about being married to him. Well, I had to think of something real quick so that Brandish won't and maybe, let me go. Of course, it all failed at the end.

"I just have to think of something, Bigby. Nothing more." I said in a cold tone. I wish that the subject will brush off real quick. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

"So that's the only thing that you can think of? To tell him that you're married to me." Bigby grinned at me as I hit him on his chest. He let out a guffaw over my evident embarrassment. He quickly stopped when I looked at him seriously.

"Anyways, I want to ask you why you told me a while ago in the hospital that it's not going to be back the way it is before?" He asked.

A wave of stress flood in me as I almost forgot. It's never going to be back the way it is before and that is true. It was all unplanned and I can't help but to be saddened about it, I loved being the deputy mayor but the circumstances are against it. On the other hand, I'm happy about it, too. I just need the time to think it through, to plan it all out.

I want what is best.

"It's nothing, Bigby. We better hurry up since tons and tons of paperwork are waiting for us. I still need to press the charges against Mr. Dark." I spoke, knowing that we will never be able to get some rest due to the tiring jobs we have. All the responsibilities are weighing like tonnes on our shoulders.

"Sometimes, I wonder what life is about right now. Is it always about paperwork and the jobs? I believe that we have our limits and they shall not forget that." He trailed off, a hint of sadness in his voice.

I agree on what he had just stated, since we have step foot on this new world, it feels like life is a chore. It's just that I care so much about the fables and I can't just leave my job.

"I know, Bigby. But this is what we chose and that's it." The comment made him even more sad and I could tell that he was a little bit angry.

Sometimes, our ideas and views in life are contradicting each other since only one opinion will win. If not, then we would go in our own separate ways.

We had reached the usual gate and he kicked it open, walking along the pathway to the entrance of the apartments. He entered it and took the stairs, surprisingly.

He trudged up, until we reached the floor for the Business Office. The route was silent as we didn't utter a single word.

I feel quite bad that I always am the one insisting whilst he just have to accept everything I would order him to do.

"Alright, we're here. We're gonna work again and be like slaves to them." His voice hinted full of sarcasm. His tone is a little high.

I just can't make up my mind, I want to be alone so that I could think. I'm just unsure of everything and fear is driving me insane. Fear of the future, on what's it going to be like.

I still have some issues on trust, with regards to men.

Bigby pushed the door open, trudging towards my desk and placed me on the chair carefully even though he is mad.

My conclusion is right, there's a lot of paperwork sitting on my desk now and it's more than we used to do. I looked at his tired face as he grabbed all the paperwork onto his arms, leaving me with nothing. He turned around and started to walk outside.

"So you're just going to leave me alone? Come back here!" I yelled at him and he obliged.

"You know what? I don't really know what's going on your head. We fight when the both of us are just losing each other!" Bigby yelled, matching the tone of my voice.

"I just want the paperwork, I'm not gonna let you do everything for me! Just stop it, Bigby! It makes me look like I can't do anything anymore since I got shot!"

"Why do we keep having a misunderstanding? I just want you to rest and then you will misinterpret what I said! And you're not always answering my question, what is wrong? Just tell me!" He shouted back. We kept yelling back and forth.

"Forget about it!" I screamed. The atmosphere becoming thicker again between us.

"No, I'm not gonna leave until we fix this between us! I can't sleep through the pain again, knowing that we're not fine." He trailed off, looking into my eyes.

"If we were just professionals then none of this will happen!" My pride starting to dominate my control.

"What the hell are you exactly talking about Snow?" He asked, perplexed about what I'm talking about.

When I heard the news, I am overwhelmed and I can't think straight for as long as I knew about it. I am just terrified on what will happen to me. Better yet, between us.

I sighed, knowing that I can't hide it forever. "I kept throwing up."

Ooohhh daammnnn :P
Btw, I updated fast 'cause I won't be able to update it tomorrow so yeah.

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